VISIONARY IVAN DRAGICEVIC invited the tour guides of Medjugorje to be present for a private apparition that took place yesterday in Ivan’s chapel in Medjugorje. Ivan testified of his experience and relayed a message he said Our Lady gave him.
Afterwards Ivan’s apparition took place at the regular time of 18.40:
Ivan related to the tour guides the details of the apparition immediately after it took place, speaking in deep contemplation:
“I would like also today with some words to bring you closer to this encounter with Our Lady this evening.
For me it is hard to find good words in this world of today. There are no words to describe – how can you describe her beauty? The beauty of Her love, of Her gaze…all these years.
This evening when Our Lady came…Her gaze…Her eyes… when she looked at us all here… always the feeling of Her joy makes you want to cry when you see it, how can you describe Her voice…Her smile…All the images, statues, that you can see in all the churches in the whole world are beautiful. But believe me, the beauty of Our Lady is very difficult to transmit, through statues, through images, through words.
This evening Our Lady came joyful. She greeted us all with her maternal greeting:
‘Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children!’
After this Our Lady extended Her hands and prayed over all of you present and over all the priests.
She prayed in her mother tongue, Aramaic.
After she prayed in a special way for the sick people and in a special way I recommended all you priests and all the sick present.
After this, Our Lady continued again to pray for all present – you tour guides present because I recommended you all to Her in a special way: your work with the pilgrims and your mission, and to live the messages of Our Lady…this mission that you all have.
After this Our Lady said to us:
“Dear children, also today I am happy with you and I bless you all with the blessing of Peace. Be persevering, dear children, in the prayer, and be my signs – the signs of my presence. Be, dear children, My flowers. I pray for all of you before my Son. Thank you dear children for also today having responded to my call.”
After Our Lady gave the maternal blessing and blessed all the religious objects.
I recommended all of you, and like I said in a special way I reccomended you tour guides and your families – all that you have brought in your hearts – Our Lady knows this better than us.
After our Lady spoke some words privately to me.
Then in the prayer and in a sign of the cross in a light She greeted us:
‘Go in peace my dear children.’
and She went up into heaven.
These were the most important parts of this encounter tonight.”
The Medjugorje Guides are locals that have devoted their lives and vocation to guiding pilgrims around the history of the area. They have trained, studied and qualified on Church history, Local history, History of the Medjugorje phenomenon, Vatican, languages, interpreting and many topics.
The Official Tour Guides of Medjugorje
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