
Days here in Medjugorje are such a big grace for me

“I received my vocation in Medjugorje”

date: 11.07.2014.
A young priest, Mitja Bulic from Archdiocese Novo Mesto in Slovenia came to Medjugorje for the priest retreat for the first time. He told us that he was ordained a year ago and was in Medjugorje already for thirty times. “I gained many profound experiences at this seminar, and the theme of the seminar “Behold your mother” is very special to me, because I live with Mary all of my life, I think she is the one that guides me to Jesus. These days here in Medjugorje are such a big grace for me. These seminars help me so much in my life, and it is so necessary to have them. This is a place where I received my vocation, my prayer was awaken and I began to read the word of God. I came here for the first time when I was only six years old and already on that trip, I felt something powerful and special, something I cannot forget. This is where one feels peace and power of prayer. Regardless of where you are in Medjugorje, you feel that peace”, said a young priest from Slovenia.         http://www.medjugorje.hr/en/

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