July 15 2014,
Feast of Our Lady of
Mount Carmel!
Dear Children of Medjugorje,
Praised be Jesus and
1. On July
2nd, Mirjana received her monthly apparition in the new building near
her house. After the apparition, she shared the following message:
children, I, the mother of all of you gathered here
and the mother of the entire world, am blessing you with a motherly blessing and
call you to set out on the way of humility. That way leads to the coming to know
the love of my Son. My Son is almighty, He is in everything. If you, my
children, do not become cognizant of this, then darkness/blindness rule in your
soul. Only humility can heal you. My children, I always lived humbly,
courageously and in hope. I knew, I became cognizant that God is in us and we
are in God. I am asking the same of you. I desire for all of you to be with me
in eternity, because you are a part of me. I will help you on your way. My love
will envelop you like a mantle and make of you apostles of my light - of God's
light. With the love that comes forth from humility you will bring light to
where darkness/blindness rule. You will be bringing my Son who is the light of
the world. I am always alongside your shepherds and I pray that they may always
be an example of humility for you. Thank you."
June 25th, for the 33rd Anniversary of the Apparitions, Our Lady gave
this message:
Children! The Most High is giving me the grace that I can still be with you and
to lead you in prayer towards the way of peace. Your heart and soul thirst for
peace and love, for God and His joy. Therefore, little children, pray, pray,
pray and in prayer you will discover the wisdom of living. I bless you all and
intercede for each of you before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to
my call."
2. For the feast of
Corpus Christi, a huge crowd of pilgrims and villagers took part in the
procession of the Blessed Sacrament through the village streets. What a joy it
is to see this beautiful tradition being revived in Medjugorje since the fall of
Communism! When I was a little girl (last century!) we had these processions in
the towns of France, and the children would throw rose petals where Jesus passed
by, carried with solemnity in the monstrance accompanied by songs and hymns in
his honor. Today, in many places, these processions are forbidden, replaced by
rallies of other types - some of them of a perverse nature - that certainly do
not call down divine blessings upon our streets and boulevards! Lord, have mercy
upon Europe, which has resolved to expel you from its borders, unaware that to
reject the Savior means to reject salvation, too!
On that day of Corpus Christi,
the walls of St. James, here in Medjugorje, were ringing with the magnificent
homily of an Irish celebrant at the English Mass. This priest received his
vocation in Medjugorje, and it was plain to see that the Our Lady was with him.
Here is a short extract from what he shared with us of his personal
"I was coming back from the first
International Cenacle meeting in 1992 and while I was at the Dublin Airport I
was saying a little prayer: 'Our Lady, are you pleased with my
Cenacle that I've just made and all the graces You have obtained for me? I
really felt the influx of grace from the retreat!!' ....and all of the
sudden everybody at the airport disappeared before my eyes and there was only
myself and this beautiful girl smiling radiantly at me; I didn't know who she
was and I couldn't put a name to her face. Then I heard a voice inside of me
saying: 'I am very happy and pleased with the Cenacle you have come from, and
with all the graces I have obtained for you'. Our Lady had spoken to my heart
and then I knew who this person was, she was Vicka from Medjugorje. She appeared
to me at Dublin Airport! Then I said to Our Lady: "Do you want me to speak to
her?" and she answered: "No, this is a confirmation for you that Medjugorje is
authentic and the Marian Movement is authentic."
3. To still be with us! For the 33rd anniversary of the
apparitions, we were expecting a powerful message from the Virgin Mary. These
are the words that have stayed in our minds above all: "The Most High is giving
me the grace that I can still be with you..." What does she mean by still? I am not among those who have seen or heard her, but according to
Vicka, we are far from having accomplished what she had planned to do through
her apparitions in Medjugorje. From the very beginning, Mary explained her plan
clearly: "I have come to convert the whole world and reconcile it with God." She
also said, "I have come to bring the world closer to the Heart of God." But just
a few years ago she said this: "The world is going further away from the Heart
of God every day." This remark hurts! But Mary is Mother of Hope and she (no
doubt) has obtained from God the ability to continue to come so that this plan
may be at last realized, and so that satan may not succeed in diminishing and
destroying the impact that her coming has upon us. Now the ball is in our
How and when have we disappointed
her, to the point of preventing her from accomplishing all the good that she was
expecting to do through Medjugorje? We have started to pick and choose what we
want from her messages; we have allowed our consciences to be lulled to sleep by
the materialism that surrounds us. We haven't taken seriously that God should
be in the first place in our life and instead of him we have preferred earthly
wellbeing (that we lose anyway when we don't live under his blessing). To
encourage us to change our course, here is a simple testimony that dates from
the 90's.
Picture Courtesy of
We know that Jakov lost his
mother about a year after the apparitions began. He was devastated, since she
was the only family he had. But the very evening of the day she died, during the
apparition, Mary said to him: "Do not weep, Jakov, your mother is with me in
Heaven!" When I heard this, I went to see Jakov to ask him what his mother had
done to go to straight to Heaven, what had there been in her life that was so
beautiful that God should have taken her so quickly like this? I guessed that
the answer might be of interest to each one of us!
But Jakov remained evasive and
said to me, "I can't think of anything special to tell you, Sr Emmanuel. There
was nothing extraordinary about my mother." I urged him to think about it some
more, knowing that not everyone goes directly to heaven, he insisted saying,
"No, I assure you, there was nothing special about my mother, she was just like
everyone else, she did everything the Gospa told us!" I had my answer! "She did
everything the Gospa told us!"
If today, despite our
luke-warmness, our wanderings and our lack of humility, the Virgin Mary has
decided to continue to come, let us not disappoint her! This is the time of
grace, so let us take hold of it! Let us not allow the enemy to rejoice at
finding in us an open door that we offer him through our compromises with sin.
Let us not give him free reign to attack, since our future is at stake, as well
as that of our children.
She is giving us a second chance.
If we desire peace rather than disaster, there is still time to "do everything
that she tells us!"
Dearest Gospa,
referring to Jesus you said, and still say to us, "Do everything He tells you".
Please, with your motherly touch, help us do everything you tell us to do
because He has made you His spokesperson. (See PS 2)
Emmanuel +
I´m portuguese,and I´m not good in english...I belong, with my family,to a family group that is called Caná´s Families, and we do a consagration to Mary, everyday, where we beg her "teach us to do everything that Jesus tells us to do". Our Mother she´s a wonderfull teacher, and she knows her Son.