
Medjugorje is leading to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart

“I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.”

These lyrics from the hymn Amazing Grace testify to the life of Fr. David Gunter, a priest from Massachusetts, who through a brief experience of becoming blind and deaf from the abusive use of drugs led him to seek after and return to God.
Through his conversion he left the world of drugs behind, but it wasn’t until his encounter with Our Lady in Medjugorje that he found real healing of the soul that eventually led him to the priesthood.
Through Our Lady’s intercession, I believe, Medjugorje is the beginning of a process leading to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. This is what we are experiencing here in Medjugorje. And it is healing and it is mercy. So I tell you all now, be not afraid. There is so much more to come. So much more healing, so much more grace. Our Lord wants you all to have peace, peace.

1 comment:

  1. Lord Jesus, I've failed to listen to you and follow you. I ask You to spring forth in my life and do something new! Do something beyond what I can imagine and something that will bring me and others around me closer to You. I'm listening, Lord, and I'm ready for You to use me. Put your own desires into my heart and send the Holy Spirit to inspire me. Lord, give me the strength and encouragement to move forward with your plans. Amen.
