
The Holy Guardian Angels


Their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father. (Matthew 18:10)

Today we honor our guardian angels, those spiritual beings who both gaze on the Lord in worship and watch over us to protect us.

In a meditation on the guardian angels, Blessed Pope John XXIII once wrote, “Our Father in heaven has charged his angels to come to our assistance during our earthly journey … so that, protected by the angels’ help and care, we may avoid the snares upon our path, subdue our passions, and … follow always the straight and sure road that leads to Paradise.” That’s quite an impressive job description!

We often consider guardian angels the stuff of bedtime stories and little children’s CCD classes. But when you think about it, this teaching is actually breathtaking: God loves each of us so much that he has given us our very own angel to watch out for us. Day after day, no matter what we are doing, our angels are with us, praying for us, sending us messages of hope and comfort, urging us to stay close to the Lord. Even in our darkest hour or our deepest sin, our guardian angels never give up hope. And neither should we!

It can be easy to get caught up in the concerns of the day and lose sight of the love that surrounds us. But the teaching about guardian angels tells us that God is always aware of us. He is always offering us exactly what we need.

Recalling the blessings that God has given us—blessings like our guardian angels—can help build up our confidence in him and keep us from wavering when things don’t go our way. It can help us live “like children” (Matthew 18:3): trusting in his care, seeking his will, and thanking him for his mercy. In prayer today, remind yourself of the many good things God has done for you. Recall specific instances when you have experienced his help. But also list the truths of our faith that speak volumes about his love. Then, turn your heart to him in worship, praise, and adoration.

“Thank you, Father, for sending an angel to watch over me. May I come to share your life with all the angels, singing your praises forever!”
Source - The Word Among Us

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