
My priesthood vocation is a fruit of Medjugorje”

Priest from Republic of South Africa: “My priesthood vocation is a fruit of Medjugorje”
date: 08.10.2013.
Fr.Wayne  Weldschidt, a priest from Republic of South Africa, came to Medjugorje for his third visit. He told us that his priesthood vocation is a fruit of Medjugorje. It is interesting that he is the Director of Our Lady’s Shrine in Ngome and he sees major connection between the messages of Our Lady of Ngome where she introduced Herself as the Tabernacle of the Most High and messages of the Queen of Peace. One book about Medjugorje that he read changed his life and ever since that time he comes to Medjugorje as to his own home. “I think this is really a blessed place and a place full of graces. One of our family friends gave me that book, it was a book about Medjugorje and it was when I started to learn more about this place. I read the book and literally as soon as I read it, I felt vocation to become a priest. In that moment I was not able to understand what that meant, but with all of my heart I said yes to the Lord. Only later was I able to understand the full meaning of that. The reason of this visit is to thank God and Gospa for my priesthood, it is thanksgiving for all of the pilgrims and for all the experiences I received.” He told us that Medjugorje has a special place in his heart and this is where his priesthood experience became more profound and where he received many graces. “Every time I come here, I receive grace in various ways and I always go home with new directions for my priesthood, for my faith and my personal growth”, said Fr. Wayne.

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