
Dear Family of Mary! Sep 30, 2013


Put Jesus in the first place!
 (c)Mary TV 2013 
September 30, 2013
Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer. May your relationship with prayer be a daily one. Prayer works miracles in you and through you, therefore, little children, may prayer be a joy for you. Then your relationship with life will be deeper and more open and you will comprehend that life is a gift for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call."(September 25, 2013)
Yesterday we were joyfully busy with Mary TV tasks. Denis and I prayed the Rosary again in our studio, with the expert help of Josip, KiKi and Ivan. It is so different to have a crew helping us. We also taped a beautiful testimony of an American Priest. And then Rosie asked me to share a little bit about the Evening of Prayer at St. Stephen's Cathedral for Tea with Rosie! Add to that Holy Mass, and prayer at St. James and you have quite a day!  There is so much life in Medjugorje, so many opportunities to receive and share graces! Wow!
I want to finish the transcript of Marija's talk given on September 28 (but I have only did another third of it). Many have shared that it is nice to have the written version, so they can pray over what Marija says. So here is part two of Marija's talk:
Without God we do not have God or eternal life. And that is why she has been inviting us to conversion. She said, "Leave sin behind. Give up on sin. Renounce it and embrace holiness." It's difficult to renounce our habits which we do every day and by which we are attached to sin. But Our Lady says to us that her desire is that we become her extended hands. In the moment when we become her extended hands, we become her instruments, and we will start feeling the joy of being her instruments because we will see that that desert that is around us and often inside of us will start blossoming. In that moment we will fell gratitude in our heart. Our Lady invites us to be the instrument through our prayers and our joy. Our Lady invites us day by day to start a serious walk, a walk of conversion.
Already in the first months Our Lady was inviting us to choose a priest to be our spiritual guide so that we can walk together with his help in a serious way, so that we are able to be guided through God's commandments. Our Lady said to us, reflect upon the life of the Saints and follow what they did. Once during an extraordinary apparition Our Lady invited us to go to a place not far from our house, and after our everyday apparitions Our Lady invited us to an extraordinary apparition that was a second apparition of that day. And we understood that Our Lady would say something important, and that is exactly what happened.
Our Lady appeared and then we started recommending to her all our intentions, all our prayers and all we had in our heart. We started to recommend all the sick people and those who recommended themselves to our prayers. And then Our Lady said to us that all of us there were able to come closer and touch her. Then we six visionaries said to her, "Our Lady, how would that be possible? Because they can't see you, it is only the six of us who can see you." But Our Lady said to us, "You take their hands and bring them closer to me." And that is exactly what we did. Step by step, everyone had the experience of touching Our Lady. And everyone could feel her presence. And they really all of them had an experience of Our Lady's special presence. Some people felt cold, some warmth, some felt electricity, but everyone believed that Our Lady was there. But we [the visionaries] when everyone was touching Our Lady could see that on her dress there were some dirty spots remaining. Smaller ones and bigger ones. And in a certain moment the dress of Our Lady was dirty. We started crying and we said, "Why did your dress become this dirty?" And then Our Lady said, "Those were our sins that made it dirty. Return to the Church. Choose a priest who will guide you, will help you to know what is sin and not sin." She invited us to monthly confession. And then I remember that the day after, none of us wanted Our Lady's dress to be dirty again. The following morning we went to the church to look for our parish priest, Fr. Jozo, and we all wanted to go to confession. And then step by step, Fr. Jozo started calling all the priests from the neighborhood to come and help. And today, Medjugorje has become the greatest confessional of the world, where every pilgrim is invited to go and reconcile with God.
She who is the Queen of peace is inviting us to become instruments of that peace. And Our Lady invites us to become her extended hands in this world, where our mission is to do it in our homes, in the place of our work where we can live our mission. In what way? I would say with the example of your personal life, with your everyday example, with prayer, love, and with all those things to which our Lady invites us in her messages.
She invites us to put the Holy Bible in a visible place in our homes. So that every day we can read the Bible and pray, and to put into practice what we learn.
To the Apparition Hill, the place where Our Lady appeared for the first time, Podbrdo as we call it, we were happy to go up there with her. Because we said to you, Our Lady said that she had chosen that place there on the hill.  In the beginning it was nothing, thorny bushes, rocks and stones. Before it had no significance, but now because of her presence and her apparitions there that place has become so important for us and for our parish. But Our Lady did not stop up on the hill.
At a certain moment, the communist police stopped us from going up the hill. They stopped us because they said that land belonged to the state. And Fr Jozo at that time, the parish priest was kneeling in the church, saying to the Lord, "You are present in the Blessed Sacrament, and people are passing by the church and heading up the hill towards those thorny bushes, rocks and stones. We did not understand, because her presence and her love transformed us and attracted us, and then we started following her. Then the soldiers came, the army came and then they stopped us from going up the hill. And so we asked Our Lady what we should do, and Our Lady we said, "Go to the Church. There you will be protected." And that is exactly what happened. We started praying. We started asking in what way and how we could go to the church. We asked three times, "Our Lady, to you mean the building?" That is because we did not want to put Father Jozo in a difficulty. We knew that he was very suspicious. And poor Fr. Jozo was praying in humility, Lord what am I to do? And God spoke to him through the reading of Sacred Scripture. He opened the Bible and read the lines "They are my beloved children." In that moment we came into the church and we said, "Fr. Jozo, Our Lady is sending us. We desire to listen to her message. And Our Lady said we should pray and listen.  
And so we started to pray in the church until the moment when Our Lady appeared. And then Our Lady told us what we were to do. She was saying to put Jesus in the first place. Ask your priest to say Mass, and with so much joy in our hearts, we said yes. And I remember that particular moment at that time when the people here worked in the fields and we were all children of peasants and we worked in the fields. But after their work in the fields they would go home, wash and then come to the church. We would pray the love and pray with the heart. And the church was obedient. The living church, the church of people filled this building of our church. There were people saying yes to Our Lady's call, yes to God, yes to fasting, yes to daily mass, and then Our Lady understood that she could count on us. And she said to us that she needed us. She said she desired to present us to her Son as a most beautiful flower bouquet.  
(Marija Pavlovic Lunetti, speaking on September 28, 2013 at St. James Church - see the Rosary Archive for September 28, 2013 - Saturday).
I will have to finish up the transcription tomorrow!
One last piece of news! Tonight, I was told that the statue in Vicka's parent's old house that has been displaying unusual light was removed from its spot in the prayer room by the parish. We do not know any details. But it is good to know that the parish is involved in the phenomenon. More to come!!
God bless,
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2013

 "Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!"   
Blessed John Paul II  -
Be connected! 

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