
Pentecost All Night Vigil 2013

Pentecost 2013
Saint Charles Borromeo Church
178 Dexter Street
Providence, R.I. 02911
Tel: 401-421-6441

Saturday May 18th-Sunday May 19th

* 11pm to 6am *

English & Spanish 

This Pentecost all night vigil will be dedicated in memory of our beloved late Fr. John Randall. 

All-night Vigil From 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 

We will end with Mass starting at 6 am 

We will start with one hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in thanksgiving for 17 years of Perpetual Adoration  1996-2013 

Music & Worship will be led by:

John Polce, a renowned and gifted artist that has ministered throughout the US over 39 years. You will be inspired by his anointed ministry.
 There will also be The  St. Charles Hispanic Music Ministry, a dynamic charismatic group that will surely inspire you to Praise and Worship the Lord.

" You may bring finger foods, beverages, ect,to share at break - coffe will be provided.
All are welcome to come and celebrate the powerful vigil of the primitive church

LUKE 24:49
And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”


  1. Fr. John Randall said incredible things happen when people experience the spirit.

  2. Is the Gospel good news to you? If it is, then what do you do with good news. You spread it around. You share it with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Evangelism is a decision we make. Just like love is not a feeling. It is a decision.
    So is evangelism.
    Fr. John Randall

  3. If people don't open their hearts to the Holy Spirit to let God purify and enlighten them, then "our being Christian will be superficial,"Pope Francis said May 15 at his weekly general audience.


    In God's Providence - The Birth of a Catholic Charismatic Parish

    The Book of Revelation: What Does It Really Say?

    Wisdom Instructs Her Children: The Power of the Spirit and the Word

    Mary, Barrier or Bridge?

    Pope John Paul Scriptural Rosary (20 decades)

    Spiritual Warfare, The Twenty-First Decade

    *Fr. Randall's most recent book,- No Spirit, No Church
