
Dear Family of Mary

Our Lady of Medj painting
Our Lady of Medjugorje chooses us!

January 16, 2013
Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children, with much love and patience I strive to make your hearts like unto mine. I strive, by my example, to teach you humility, wisdom and love because I need you; I cannot do without you my children. According to God's will I am choosing you, by His strength I am strengthening you. Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to open your hearts to me. I will give them to my Son and in return, He will give you the gift of divine peace. You will carry it to all those whom you meet, you will witness God's love with your life and you will give the gift of my Son through yourselves. Through reconciliation, fasting and prayer, I will lead you. Immeasurable is my love. Do not be afraid. My children, pray for the shepherds. May your lips be shut to every judgment, because do not forget that my Son has chosen them and only He has the right to judge. Thank you." (January 2, 2013)
I have been discovering echoes of St. Louis de Montfort's "True Devotion" in Our Lady's messages lately. For instance, Our Lady tells us:
"Dear children, with much love and patience I strive to make your hearts like unto mine. I strive, by my example, to teach you humility, wisdom and love because I need you; I cannot do without you my children. According to God's will I am choosing you, by His strength I am strengthening you.
Now listen to St. Louis:
*47. I said that this will happen especially towards the end of the world, and indeed soon, because Almighty God and his holy Mother are to raise up great saints who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of Lebanon tower above little shrubs. This has been revealed to a holy soul whose life has been written by M. de Renty.
48. These great souls filled with grace and zeal will be chosen to oppose the enemies of God who are raging on all sides. They will be exceptionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin. Illumined by her light, strengthened by her food, guided by her spirit, supported by her arm, sheltered under her protection, they will fight with one hand and build with the other.
St. Louis was given to know that God, through Our Lady, would choose "saints", i.e. her children, to help her to spread the Kingdom of God in the latter days. She would choose them. And Our Lady of Medjugorje tells us that she is choosing us! St. Louis said she would illumine them and guide them. Our Lady today tells us she is teaching us! St. Louis said she would strengthen them. Our Lady tells us she is strengthening us! St. Louis said she would support them, shelter them and protect them. Hasn't she been doing just that for all of us? Her presence in Medjugorje has changed our lives and brought us into the peace of God!
*Now again, listen to Our Lady:
"Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to open your hearts to me. I will give them to my Son and in return, He will give you the gift of divine peace. You will carry it to all those whom you meet, you will witness God's love with your life and you will give the gift of my Son through yourselves. Through reconciliation, fasting and prayer, I will lead you."
*And St. Louis said:
56. But what will they be like, these servants, these slaves, these children of Mary?
They will be ministers of the Lord who, like a flaming fire, will enkindle everywhere the fires of divine love. They will become, in Mary's powerful hands, like sharp arrows, with which she will transfix her enemies.
They will be as the children of Levi, thoroughly purified by the fire of great tribulations and closely joined to God. They will carry the gold of love in their heart, the frankincense of prayer in their mind and the myrrh of mortification in their body. They will bring to the poor and lowly everywhere the sweet fragrance of Jesus, but they will bring the odor of death to the great, the rich and the proud of this world.
St. Louis says that Our Lady's servants will carry "The gold of love in their hearts". Our Lady tells us we will witness God love with our lives. St. Louis says they will have "the frankincense of prayer in their mind and the myrrh of mortification in their body." Our Lady tells us she will lead us through reconciliation, fasting (mortification) and prayer. Truly, she is building us up, even as St. Louis foretold. She is forming us into her little army of children, made in the image of her Son.
I find these parallels so very interesting, because for years I have tried to understand St. Louis de Montfort, and now through Our Lady of Medjugorje, is see his prophecies happening! They are happening in our day!
May we open our hearts to Mary, and not be afraid, because she really does need us! She needs us to be her chosen ones, her little ones who will help to build the Kingdom of God.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2013  http://www.marytv.tv/MaryTV/
PS. All quotes of St. Louis de Montfort are from his "True Devotion to Mary." The paragraphs are numbered.

1 comment:

  1. This is really wonderful. I love how Our Lady's message and St. Louis de Montfort's intertwine.
