
The Immaculate Conception of Mary

Luke 1:26-38
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Nothing will be impossible for God.” (Luke 1:37)
With these few words, the angel calmed Mary’s fears and convinced her to accept God’s plan. Nothing is impossible for him, not even the idea of a virgin birth. When she heard these words, Mary embraced the angel’s message with no more questions, fear, or anxiety.
Pure of heart and immaculate of soul, Mary was free from the obsta­cles that can keep us from saying “yes” to the Lord. Suspicion, self­centeredness, cynicism, pride, and false humility—all these and more can cloud our reasoning and make it hard for us to surrender to the Lord and his plan.
Do you know why nothing is impossible for God? Because his love is without limits. It is so deep, so vast, so wide, that nothing can stand in his way. It was love that moved him to create a woman free of original sin, and it’s the same love that can cleanse us from all our sins. It was love that empowered Jesus to deliver the oppressed and give sight to the blind, and it’s the same love that can lift our burdens and open our eyes to the beauty all around us. It was love that moved Jesus to heal the sick and raise the dead—the same love that can heal our broken hearts and release us from our tombs of sadness, bitter­ness, or fear.
God loves you. He really does. Nothing is impossible for him. Nothing. You may think it is impos­sible for him to love you as deeply as he loved Mary, but all things are possible. Where you may see only your sins and failings, your Father sees your heart. He knows you’re not immaculate, but he also knows how much you want to love and be loved. He knows how much you want to do what is right. He knows all of your dreams, your needs, and your hopes. Nothing is impossible for him—not even giving you the deepest desires of your heart!
“Lord, I say ‘yes’ to you. Let everything be done to me according to your will. Nothing is impossible for you, not even my happiness!”
Genesis 3:9-15, 20; Psalm 98:1-4; Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12

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