

10,000 people attended a prolife vigil in Dublin to day. This is all the more amazing considering that the vigil commenced at 4.30 pm- not exactly convenient for many people. This outnumbered by five to one the corresponding pro abortion vigil. The Irish people do not want the legalisation of abortion. Period. In a powerful speech, Niamh Uí Bhrian, spokeswoman for the Life Institute, spelled out the reality:

“We are not for turning and we will not yield,” she said.“We are proud to be a pro-life nation, we are here to tell the politicians in Dáil Eireann that they may have destroyed our economy but we will never let them kill our children.” She said “The lives of our children are worth fighting for and the mothers who are driven to abortion in fear are worth fighting for and the pro life ethos in this country is worth fighting for.”
Caroline Simons, legal consultant with the Pro Life Campaign stated that there was no obligation on the State to legislate for abortion because of the European Court of Human Rights ABC case”

“All we are supposed to do is clarify our own position in relation to abortion here...We have one of the best maternal mortality rates in the world so abortion is never the answer. It is not going to save mothers lives and we don’t want to see it on our shores.”

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