
Ivan talks about the future of the Church and of the world

On August 14, Ivan was interviewed on Radio-Maria/Italy by Fr. Livio Fangaza. Here are his words, to be meditated on!
"When the prophetic secrets of the Blessed Mother are revealed in Medjugorje, the Catholic Church will find itself in a great ordeal, as much for the world as for the faithful, and a little of this suffering has already started. Satan is stronger than ever today, and he particularly wants to destroy the family and the youth, because they are the foundation of a new world."

"Presidents and leaders have their power from God; too many of them are using it for their own interests. The result is a disordered society. Without God, the world has no future, this is why the Gospa invites us to return to God and turn to the future with God, in order to maintain peace and harmony. A government without God is anarchy. It is a deceiving government. It is therefore necessary that God be present in the government, and in the 1st place. Since the lack of God is prevalent in a lot of places, peace is constantly threatened.

The most terrible war is the one waging in the human heart. The emptiness of God gives Satan a space bigger than ever."
Ivan asked the audience to pray for the realization of Mary's plans.

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