
Father Livio Interview with Marija on Radio Maria

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Maria Posch

December 28, 2012

Feast of the Holy Innocents

Dear Family of Mary!

Our Lady came with little Jesus in her arms and she did not give a message, but little Jesus began to speak and said : "I am your peace, live my commandments." With a sign of the cross, Our Lady and little Jesus blessed us together. (December 25, 2012 Marija)

This wonderful message is capturing our attention. Many of us are really drawn to the words of Baby Jesus. We are all so happy to hear from Him!

In yesterday's reflection I asked if anyone could translate Marija's interview with Father Livio on Radio Maria about this message. Lindita very generously transcribed and translated the entire interview for us. (Thank you, Lindita, for your great work!). It is good to read what Marija had to say:

Padre. Livio: Hi Maria ,,

Maria: Hi P. Livio and Merry Christmas to all listeners of Radio Maria with all my heart.
Our Lady came with little Jesus in her arms and she did not give a message, but little Jesus began to speak and said: "I am your peace, live my commandments." With a sign of the cross, Our Lady and little Jesus blessed us together.

P.Livio: Can you say it in Croatian.

Maria: Yes (and she spoke the message in Croatian)
P. Livio: May I ask you a few questions?
Maria: Yes.
P. Livio: Madonna has come always with her Baby in her arms and even with Jesus as He looked during His Passion, but this is the first time He spoke?
Maria: Yes, we are all surprised. It was a very strong emotion for me...after the apparition I started to cry. I am normally happy and this time I am even more so because it's something amazing, extraordinary! I was moved that He blessed us and spoke for the first time, absolutely!
P. Livio: Listen, Madonna always comes with the Newborn Baby (at Christmas).
Maria: Of course like every other year she arrived with Baby Jesus.
P. Livio: So Baby Jesus was newborn?
Maria: Yes, I recommended [petitions] to Madonna, like I normally do and at a certain point I was waiting for her to give the message. But the opposite occurred, she remained silent. Jesus addressed me as the King of Peace. He was a Child but these words were spoken with authority.

P. Livio: So you were shocked from this new fact
Maria: Yes, because it was the first time that Jesus spoke to me. Jesus never spoke in Medjugorje.
P.Livio: Even though He was a child with the voice of a child, He spoke with authority?

Maria: Yes, He spoke with great authority and a strong feeling in His voice that remains strong. I heard the voice of Baby Jesus not like a child that is a few days old or a few hours old, but Jesus, only newborn. Once before [in 1981] an extraordinary moment occurred when Baby Jesus winked at us, and this is the second time something extraordinary has occurred..
P. Livio: So He looked like the icons in which we see Baby Jesus but with great Authority.
Maria: Exactly
P. Livio: Maria, what do you think of this fact? As for me this is a new fact, but also beautiful and extremely positive.
Maria: I believe I never expected this event. I might have expected that Madonna would say:" I will not appear any longer," or something like that, but for 31 years she has appeared with Baby Jesus in her arms at Christmas and this is the first time He spoke.
P.Livio: But He spoke extraordinary words 'I am Your Peace.' Maria, you are not a theologian, but the theologians know very well that Jesus says in the Gospel: I am justified by the Divine Authority. I am the expression of great Authority. Those who study theology know that this expression indicates He is God: 'I am your peace, live my Commandments.' So a Baby who speaks with Divine Authority ... in this message we see the dimensions of the Divinity of Jesus, even in this Child, Newborn, His Divinity...and this is what strikes me more in this message.
Maria: It did strike my very strongly. I cried two or three times and this has touched me very much in my heart, and right now I am trying to comprehend what I saw.
P. Livio: These are things with great spiritual depth...and infinitely so great to us.
Maira: Today, since the moment of Apparition [usually] feels ordinary to me, I observed today it was extraordinary and I am so grateful in my heart.
P.Livio: The truth is that God always surprises us!
Maria: True!
P.Livio: Can we say a prayer?
Maria: Yes, with all my heart.
P.Livio and Maria said the Magnificat together, then Glory Be...
Then Padre Livio gave the Benediction: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

(Interview by Padre Livio with Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti given on December 25, 2012)

This interview is a great help in understanding what Marija experienced on December 25 during the apparition. I also have good news! Today, Marija will be interviewed by our Medjugorje Team at her home in Medjugorje. She will share about this apparition with us all! We will feature the interview on our home page as soon as we can get it up! Check our website during the day today!

Also, today Josip will be streaming the musical Christmas play produced by the Cenacolo Community! 10:00 am Eastern time in the US! Join us for this wonderful event! Because of this special program, the Daily Rosary will be pre-empted and we will probably pray it at a later time.

Let's really keep Baby Jesus' words in our hearts these days!

"I am your peace, live my commandments."

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

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