Medjugorje is a school of prayer
date: 20.11.2012.
Father Joseph Horn from the United States arrived to Medjugorje in his twelfth visit with a group of pilgrims. “I am here to deepen my faith and I always try to pray better even though I have been a priest for fifteen years now. This time I have brought twenty six pilgrims and my only prayer is to discover the grace of knowing what our Heavenly Father desires of me. I feel that we have a little time left and this world is in the need of prayer and peace, and I have asked my group to pray for peace”, said Fr. Joseph who added that Medjugorje is very well known in Michigan state where he lives. “When I speak to the groups about Medjugorje, I always tell them that Our Lady is inviting her children to pray and Medjugorje is a school of prayer. Our Lady would like to help the world to get to know Jesus in better and more profound way, so we would renew our lives through conversion, repentance, fasting and especially through Holy Mass and confession. That is what I say to people, to come here and to learn how to pray.”
Medjugorje Official
Medjugorje Official
"Dear children, I am continuously among you because, with my endless love, I desire to show you the door of Heaven. I desire to tell you how it is opened: through goodness, mercy, love and peace - through my Son. Therefore, my children, do not waste time on vanities. Only knowledge of the love of my Son can save you. Through that salvific love and the Holy Spirit He chose me and I, together with Him, am choosing you to be apostles of His love and will. My children, great is the responsibility upon you. I desire that by your example you help sinners regain their sight, enrich their poor souls and bring them back into my embrace. Therefore, pray, pray, fast and confess regularly. If receiving my Son in the Eucharist is the center of your life then do not be afraid, you can do everything. I am with you. Every day I pray for the shepherds and I expect the same of you. Because, my children, without their guidance and strengthening through their blessing, you cannot do it. Thank you." Our Lady's message to Mirjana of(June 2, 2012)