Today we live in a tired and restless world, with broken families and broken morality, visionary Ivan Dragicevic told an American audience outside Boston, Massachusetts, on November 3rd. To counter it, the Virgin Mary calls priests to organize adoration and veneration of the Cross.
“Many of you have come here tired of this world,” Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic told the crowd of nearly 600 people in St. Camillus Church in Arlington, Massachusetts, on Saturday.
Ivan called today’s world and times “restless” and in need of great prayer and conversion.
“We have come here to pray for the evangelization of the world, for the evangelization of families, for the evangelization of young people” he said.
St. Camillus Church in Arlington, Massachusetts
“We have come here to the source, to have an encounter with Jesus. To encounter Him at the Holy Mass, because the Mass is the source of life.”
Before Mass, the visionary experienced his apparition, which lasted about 7 minutes. During the apparition, the Virgin Mary gave this message:
“Praised be Jesus, dear children! My dear children, today also in a special way I wish to call you to pray for families, for holiness in families. My dear children, pray today for families. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
“There are so many tired and broken families. There is no more faithfulness in marriages. There is [a] broken morality” Ivan told the audience.
Mother wishes to lead us out of this darkness and into a path of
light,” Ivan said, calling for the need to renew family prayer.
“Our Mother wishes to lead us out of this darkness and into a path of light. If there is no peace in families then there cannot be peace in the world.”
The family must be understood as sacred, the visionary said.
“Our family must be our chapel. We must begin to pray in our families. We must renew our families spiritually.”
Satan wishes to destroy families in a particular way, the visionary said quoting the Virgin Mary, because families are the foundation of society, of the Church, and of prayer.
Ivan also pointed to the Virgin Mary’s call for priests to do their part in renewing Eucharistic Adoration and Adoration of the Cross in parishes to inspire spiritual renewal.
during an apparition of the Virgin Mary, with Jesus present in the
Blessed Saxrament. Mary wants priests to organize adoration before a
Cross and before the Blessed Sacrament”, the seer said on Saturday
“In a special way she is calling priests to organize adoration before a Cross and before the Blessed Sacrament” the seer said.
Ivan’s appearance at St. Camillus was co-sponsored by the Marian Servants of Divine Mercy, an American Catholic lay-community. One of the members and organizers, Keith McGuire, said that Ivan brought a much-needed message of hope.
“It is a message that this world needs to hear very clearly. And it is not hope in the world. It is hope in God, and it is trust in God. That came across very clearly tonight” he said.
Susan Manning, a parishioner, said she came to pray for friends whose family members are struggling with addiction. Manning called Ivan’s message “wonderful.”
Ivan during an apparition in September. Photo: Giuseppe Bonvicini
“I wish there were some friends of mine [here], because I am praying for seven young men that are involved in drugs and drink. I know some of the mothers were here tonight, but I wish all of them were” she said.
Explaining that the world is suffering from a spiritual recession, Ivan stressed that the Virgin Mary is trying to wake her children up.
“I hope we will be co-creators of a better and more beautiful world, a world worthy of the children of God” the visionary said.
“Our Mother comes to us to bring hope. She brings hope to this tired world. This brings hope to families. Let us pray together with her for the evangelization of the world. Let us be a living sign of faith. My dear friends, in God alone is true peace. Let it be that way.”
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