
Bishop Julito Cortes in Medjugorje

Bishop from Philippines in Medjugorje

date: 21.11.2012.
Bishop from Philippines Julito Cortes was in Medjugorje in the company of thirty five witnesses. He heard about Medjugorje in the very beginning of the apparitions at the time he was a student in Rome. In his interview for Radio Station Mir Medjugorje, the Bishop spoke about joy of him being able to come, but also about the difficulties that are preventing people to come to Medjugorje. “It is very expensive for us to come here. Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina do not have embassies or consulate offices in our country and that is why tourist operators need to go to Malaysia to do all of the work regarding our visas”, said Bishop Cortes. When they arrived to Medjugorje they had possibility to celebrate Holy Mass and that along with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a huge grace for them. “I believe that Our Lady wants us to be here.
The Country where we come from is the homeland of Christianity in the Far East. When it comes to living the faith, we have great challenges before us, as well as the other countries where Christians live. There is constant need for evangelisation.” Bishop also spoke about the necessity of genuine efforts in our religion in this Year of the Faith. He said that what Holy Father has said in his apostolic letter “Porta Fidei” is a real challenge and opportunity for our personal growth.
Source-Medjugorje Official

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