
Couple walks from Italy to Medjugorje

Married couple from Italy, Giuseppe and Liliana Mengoti, arrived to Medjugorje after walking for 1067 kilometers in 36 days of journey. They live in Lugano, Como Lake, close to border with Switzerland. When asked about their reason to walk to Medjugorje they said: “We decided to refurbish their house and to make a chapel inside their new home. We wanted to have a statue of Our Lady inside our chapel, but we decided to come and to take that statue after this walk to Medjugorje. We heard a lot about Medjugorje. As we travelled, many people were saying to us to pray for them when we come to Medjugorje.” This pilgrimage made huge and positive impression on them. “After we arrived here, we could strongly feel peace and joy and we will carry those messages back home.”
Source-Medjugorje Official

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