
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s September 2, 2012 to Mirjana

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s September 2, 2012

Our Lady appeared to Mirjana this morning, September 2, 2012, around 8:38 AM. Preceding Our Lady’s apparition several Rosaries were prayed, beginning around 5 AM. Throughout the night, as wild fires burned on Apparition Mountain and Cross Mountain, ash rained down upon those gathered on the Mountain, and the smell of smoke was prevalent in the air. Mirjana arrived a little before 8:30 and took her place at the foot of the Blue Cross. When Our Lady came, Mirjana’s head was seen to quickly turn upwards, with a look of joy upon her face. Our Lady stayed for 8 minutes. Following is Our Lady’s message of September 2, 2012:


“Dear children, as my eyes are looking at you, my soul is seeking those souls with whom it desires to be one – the souls who have understood the importance of prayer for those of my children who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father. I am calling you because I need you. Accept the mission and do not be afraid, I will strengthen you. I will fill you with my graces. With my love I will protect you from the evil spirit. I will be with you. With my presence I will console you in difficult moments. Thank you for your open hearts. Pray for priests. Pray that the unity between my Son and them may be all the stronger, that they may be one. Thank you.”

Our Lady blessed all of us present here and all of the religious articles that we had for the blessing. Mirjana added that Our Lady spoke about certain things that she still cannot share with us.

Pictures from the September 2, 2012 Apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana on Apparition Mountain

Fires on the Mountain

As pilgrims walked to Apparition Mountain last night, to spend the night at the Blue Cross awaiting Our Lady for Mirjana’s 2nd of the month apparition, this is the scene that greeted them as they made their way through the Fields. As wild fires continued to spread on Cross Mountain, flames ignited also on Apparition Mountain and began to spread. Though the Medjugorje villagers would explain these fires as a normal occurrence in the heat of a hot summer, it is still an unsettling sight in Our Lady’s holy village to pilgrims who have come from around the world. The fires of Medjugorje can speak to us of what Our Lady has come to do through Her apparitions:
“And in this, Her time, God sent Her to the Earth, Her mouth touched by God.
July 25, 1985
“…listen to my messages…live everything that God tells me to convey to you…”
Of Her, the Woman of Revelation, it can be said as it is written in Jeremiah 1:9-10:
“Then the Lord extended His hand and touched my mouth saying:
‘See I place my words in your mouth.
This day I set you over nations and over kingdoms.
To root up and to tear down,
To destroy and to demolish,
To build and to plant.’

“Our Lady comes to the world as its Queen. Not to govern through earthly power of an office, but to govern spiritually through the heart. This will require a different arrangement of the world as we know it now to be, an abyss of sin. Our Lady’s triumph of a spiritual reign of the heart cannot happen without the destruction of the gains satan has made throughout the world. Jeremiah says, “to root up and to tear down, to destroy and to demolish.”
A Friend of Medjugorje
From his writing: “You Can Be Touched By God”

Priests at the September 2, 2012 apparition
Many priests were already gathered in the early morning hours at the Blue Cross, leading the pilgrims in the Rosary. Referring to priests, Our Lady recently called them, “my beloved.” Our Lady needs Her priests to follow Her way in Medjugorje, because without them, the Church membership will not be able to “be real with themselves” in confronting the sin in their own lives and in the lives of the Church:
“The Church membership, to change the culture must be real with themselves, and this must begin with us, Our Lady’s children. We must acknowledge that society has failed because we have failed. The first step to changing this is complete admission and confession. We, the salt of the earth, the preservers of culture have gone flat. Salt that goes flat no longer preserves meat or prevents it from rotting, and the culture is rotten. Our Lady is here every day because we could not step through the purifying fire without Her. It is difficult to say yes now because on our own it is much easier to look the other way than confront sin in ourselves and in the Church. But for you who do, great will be your consolation even if you continue to be purified when the time of grace is over. But the good news, the hope is if we act now, choose now for Our Lady to purify us, we have Her coming everyday to help us and to guide us and to love us.”
A Friend of Medjugorje
From his writing: “You Can Be Touched By God”

Mirjana in ecstasy September 2, 2012
Mirjana greets Our Lady when She arrives at the Blue Cross in today’s apparition of September 2, 2012.
“Our Lady revealed on November 8, 1984, that those who are not aware of the gift of Her appearance, as well as we who are, are not deserving of such a grace. Yet in God’s mercy we are granted gifts which are so great Our Lady says that if we comprehended them we would pray without ceasing.

November 8, 1984
“…If you only knew how great are the graces God is granting you, you would be praying without ceasing…”
A Friend of Medjugorje
From his writing: “Mirjana, A Mystery Revealed”

Mirjana seeing Our Lady

Mirjana receives Our Lady’s words in the September 2, 2012 apparition. Our Lady confirms to us, Her children—all those who are listening to Her—that we have a mission. All of us have the responsibility to answer Our Lady’s call, to first of all change our lives, and to lead others to Her through our witness.
“If you do not take steps to be in union with God now and desire to grow, you will continue to grow amidst the present culture. The present culture is under judgement by God. It is why the Blessed Mother is coming. The present culture will wilt away. It is dying and will die. If you refuse to step away from it, you’ll be swept away with it. Rather, you must die to the culture by changing your direction and be part of the new culture that is resurrecting from Our Lady’s words. One can only see this through reflecting, “thinking,” about the future.”
A Friend of Medjugorje
From his writing: “Make Your Home “Think”-Friendly”

Child seeing Our Lady

A curious child bends to see “better” the face of Mirjana in ecstasy, as his mother bends her heart to see “better” all that Our Lady is, all that She is offering, all that She is asking. No one really noticed it, but throughout the apparition, this little boy was looking in the direction of Our Lady and winking his eyes. 

Mirjana September 2, 2012

Few eyes in the whole history of man have had the grace of seeing what Mirjana is beholding at this moment.
“Fatima had thirteen apparitions. The Church has put it as by far the most phenomenal event of the twentieth century. Medjugorje is not yet understood, and if the Church holds this assessment of thirteen apparitions with this much significance, what will it view Medjugorje once the time of grace is grasped? Medjugorje is the event, a time given to Our Lady that has been in waiting for 2,000 years…”
A Friend of Medjugorje
From his writing, “Twenty Years of Apparitions”

Message of Our Lady being read to the crowd September 2, 2012

The message is read aloud after Mirjana’s dictation. Simple words always filled with great mystery.

Corwds leaving the apparition September 2, 2012

The large crowds that attended Our Lady’s September 2, 2012 apparition make their way through the fields back to the center of the village. How many present today, understood the great grace of being in Our Lady’s presence? Maybe no one. Who can fully understand what it means, on this side of the veil, to be with Our Lady to receive Her prayers and Her blessings in this special time of grace?

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