
Mary Strongly Calls To Pary For Peace

By Jakob Marschner

With the petition repeated five times, the Virgin Mary issued her strongest appeal to join her in prayer for peace in the world for many years in her message to visionary Ivan Dragicevic on Sunday in Turin, Italy.Collaborate with her in constructing a new and better world” Ivan added.

virgin mary our lady madonna gospa vergine maria vierge marie tihaljina medjugorje pray prayer peace apparition visionary seer veggente voyant seher ivan dragicevic rivoli torino italy italia september settembre 16 2012
With a five-fold call to prayer for world peace, the Virgin Mary left little doubt of her current needs during her September 16 apparition to Medjugorje seer Ivan Dragicevic

Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s visit to Turin, Italy, on September 16 turned out to be all about the need for prayer for peace in the world.

In this local setting, void of the immediate worldwide attention paid to her regular monthly messages to Ivan’s fellow visionaries Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti and Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, the Virgin Mary passed on her most pressing call to prayer for world peace for years:

“Dear children, also tonight I want to help you. Pray for peace. Pray with me for peace in the world. Peace, dear children! Only peace! I am praying with you for peace in the world. For this reason I say to you, dear children, persevere in prayer! Thank you, dear children, because also today you have responded to my call” the Virgin Mary said, according to Radio Maria.

ivan dragicevic medjugorje visionary seer veggente voyant seher
Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic during an apparition

Ivan underlined the call when he described his apparition:

“Once again, I would like to emphasize that the Madonna prayed for peace in the world for quite a long time and, with very simple words, invites all of us to pray with her for peace in the world. I hope that we will respond to the call of Our Lady and welcome her messages, so we will be her collaborators in the construction of a new and better world” the visionary told the attendees in Turin.

He described his regular private conversation with the Virgin as “long”, then added:

“After this private conversation Our Lady went into prayer.”

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