
“Lord, increase our faith”

23rd International Youth Festival started

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012, the 23rd International Youth Festival was opened with the evening prayer programme. The theme of this Festival is from Luke’s Gospel: “Lord, increase our faith”. The opening Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr. Miljenko Steko, Vicar of Herzegovina Franciscan Province along with 422 priests that concelebrated at Holy Mass. Dozens of thousands of young people from all over the world are participating at this Festival that will finish on August 6, with Holy Mass on Cross Mountain at 5 a.m. Young people from more than 70 different countries are present, and group from Ruanda is here in Medjugorje for the first time. The programme is broadcasted directly on Radio “Mir” Medjugorje, as well as on other radio and TV stations and web sites. Fr. Danko Perutina is directing this Festival and all prayers, lectures and testimonies are more special thanks to the International Choir and Orchestra. Late Fr. Slavko Barbaric started this Festival back in 1990, when he gathered around 100 young people, two guitar players and couple of singers and the whole event took place in the green tent. The number of participants was increasing every year and is now above every other event in Medjugorje.   Medjugorje Official

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