

"Jesus sent these men on mission." -Matthew 10:5

Although "the harvest is good but laborers are scarce" (Mt 9:37), Jesus does not immediately send out His disciples to labor in His harvest. First, He commands them to pray for the Father to send out laborers. Second, He gives His disciples authority over every demon and sickness (Mt 10:1). Third, He determines His primary community by choosing twelve apostles by name (Mt 10:2-4). Finally, He sends them out to evangelize and minister (Mt 10:6ff).

We will not have workers in the harvest until we form Christian community, until we are in a family of our own twelve apostles. However, we won't be able to participate in and form community unless we use our God-given authority to remove demonic strongholds standing in the way of Christian community life. However, we need to pray before receiving God's authority.
Yes, we need to pray for workers for the harvest, particularly for priestly and religious vocations to be accepted. Yet there's more. We must pray for Christians to use their authority in Jesus to form the community that provides workers for the harvest. Workers for the harvest are themselves a harvest, the fruit of prayer, the proper use of spiritual authority and Christian community.

"As he saw the crowds, his heart was filled with pity for them, because they were worried and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. So he said to his disciples, "There is a large harvest, but few workers to gather it in. Pray to the owner of the harvest that he will send out workers to gather in his harvest." (Mtt 9:36-37).

1 comment:

  1. Prayer for Vocations

    Jesus, high priest and Redeemer
    forever, we beg you to call young
    men and women to your service,
    as priests and religious. May they
    be inspired by the lives of dedicated
    priests, brothers and sisters.
    Give to parents the grace
    of generosity and trust toward you
    and their child so that their sons
    and daughters may be helped to
    choose their vocation in life with wisdom and freedom.
    O God, you have called us to salvation
    and have sent your Son to establish the Church for this purpose,
    and you have provided the sacred ministers.
    The harvest is ever ready but the laborers are scarce.
    Inspire our youth to follow Jesus by serving Your People. Amen
