Lord, Please remember me in your kingdom -- The Lord spoke to Paul in a vision. Do not be afraid, keep on speaking, and do not be silent. For I am with you (Acts 18:9).---Come Holy Spirit.
"It is He Who is our Peace, and Who made the two of us one by breaking down the barrier of hostility that kept us apart." -Ephesians 2:14
Jesus is our Peace. He alone can break down the barrier of hostility that separates us from one another. A barrier of hostility had built up between Jews and Gentiles. Many barriers of hostility separate husbands and wives, parents and children, and employer and employee. These are not physical barriers of concrete, wood, or steel, but spiritual barriers of hostility, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, or resentment. These barriers can imprison us for life and forever in hell after this life. Only Jesus can remove these barriers.
In the suburbs of America, people buy invisible fences to keep their dogs in the yard. Barriers of hostility are like invisible fences. Whenever we come close to being free, living a new life, repenting of sin, and loving Jesus with all our hearts, the devil activates the invisible fence and keeps us trapped in the yard of sin, apathy, self-hatred, and selfishness. However, the invisible fence can't shock the animal unless there's a specific collar on it. Likewise, the devil can't activate the invisible fence without our wearing an invisible collar of hostility, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, or resentment. If we repent of these sins and thereby take off our collar, we can walk through the invisible fence and be free. The barrier of hostility is gone.
Jesus, remove my barriers by removing my collar of sin.
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