
Pray for Your Shepherds!. May 18 2012 Ivan's message in Medjugorje

Published on May 19, 2012 by

After the apparition of Our Lady at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje, on May 18, 2012 at about 10:00 p.m., Ivan said:

"The most important from tonight's meeting together with Our Lady I will try to describe in these words:

Our Lady came to us joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her motherly blessing: 'Praised be Jesus my dear children.'

Then Our Lady, with Her arms extended, prayed for a while over all of you here. She prayed for a while over you who are sick present here and then She blessed us with Her motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought for a blessing. Then Our Lady, especially prayed for a while for priests, bishops and the Holy Father. She also called us:

'Dear children, also today I desire to call you to pray together with me for my shepherds, that they may lead their flock tirelessly in faith. The Mother prays together with you. Pray, dear children, with the Mother. Thank you, dear children, also today for having responded to my call.'

After that I recommended all of you, all of your needs, all you intentions, your families and in a special way, all the sick. Then a conversation followed between me and Our Lady. After that conversation Our Lady left in prayer in an illuminated sign of the cross, with a greeting, 'Go in peace, my dear children.'

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