
Pilgrims from Uganda in Medjugorje


After Medjugorje celebrated 31st anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions, many groups are still present on their pilgrimages and among them we met a group of pilgrims from Uganda. Fransis is bringing pilgrims from Uganda since 2005, and he brought 40 pilgrims on his first trip. They heard about Medjugorje from one Italian priest who spoke on Radio Maria in Uganda. “I had to take a map to look for this place and then I decided to bring a group of pilgrims together with a priest. It was hard for us to obtain visa since we do not have embassy in this country”, said Fransis. One of the pilgrims, Frederik Deogratias Musaazi said: “I was immediately impressed with people’s conviction in the presence of the Blessed Mother in this place. People here believe so much and the whole group that I was with was really impressed with that. When I returned to Uganda, I promised Mother Mary that I will proclaim the word about her throughout the country, that I will spread her name. People are asking to come here. They would like to know where Medjugorje is. I do not think this is going to stop, people are going to continue coming here.”
Radio Mir Medjugorje is also interviewing people who walked to Medjugorje for this 31st Anniversary. Livia Cianni and Guido Piasnelli walked from Rome to Medjugorje. They started their journey on June 16 and they arrived on June 24, 2012, the evening before Our Lady’s Apparitions. These two pilgrims spoke about their pilgrimage and about the experience of Medjugorje. “Medjugorje was calling us, we were here in 2011, and we felt invitation because Medjugorje changed us. This is the centre of the spirituality. It was a long journey, but the heat was the worst”, said Livia and guido who already announced their next pilgrimage when more people plan to join them.
Davor Miksic, Mile Pavic and Vjeko Rimac walked 520 kilometres from Samobor, Croatia. They started their journey on June 12, 2012. “This is a great experience for us, we met wonderful people and this is thanksgiving to the Queen of Peace and to Jesus”, said three pilgrims from Samobor.
We should also mention a group of 22 pilgrims who walked from Rama in Bosnia and they walked for nearly two whole days. “We came to thank Our Lady; we are filled with Holy Spirit!”
Ivica Sapina walked from Bugojno for three days. “This is my 12th or 13th time to walk to Medjugorje. I do not find it hard, this is where I find true peace”, said Ivica. We also met a group of nine pilgrims from Livno and one 12 years-old boy was with them as well. A sixteen-years-old girl said that she nearly gave up, but at the end she continued because of the promise she made to Our Lady.
Medjugorje Official

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