
Dear Family of Mary

The Blessed Sacrament gives light

(c)Mary TV 2012
July 10, 2012
Dear Family of Mary!
"My children; Again, in a motherly way, I implore you to stop for a moment and to reflect on yourselves and on the transience of this your earthly life. Then reflect on eternity and the eternal beatitude. What do you want? Which way do you want to set out on? The Father`s love sends me to be a mediatrix for you, to show you with motherly love the way which leads to the purity of soul; a soul unburdened by sin; a soul that will come to know eternity. I am praying that the light of the love of my Son may illuminate you, so that you may triumph over weaknesses and come out of misery. You are my children and I desire for all of you to be on the way of salvation. Therefore, my children, gather around me that I may have you come to know the love of my Son and thus open the door of eternal beatitude. Pray as I do for your shepherds. Again I caution you: do not judge them, because my Son chose them. Thank you." (July 2, 2012)
Our Lady speaks very directly to us in this message. She wants us to stop and think. She wants us to take a moment and assess. What are we choosing? What are we desiring? Are we aware that this earthly life will end and that we have eternity in our future? Do we know the eternal consequences of our choices?
She tells us that God has sent her to help us discover the answers to these questions. She is with us to show us the way that leads to eternity. She has come to show us that God exists.
But Our Lady knows that we cannot respond to her words if we do not encounter her Son. We are not capable of understanding the reality of eternity, apart from knowing Jesus. He is the one who can wake us up, help us to see, help us to understand.
And so she says, "I am praying that the light of the love of my Son may illuminate you, so that you may triumph over weaknesses and come out of misery." This prayer is an anointed prayer. It is the prayer that the Holy Spirit has given Mary, because the Spirit knows what we need. We need the Light of Christ if we are to emerge from our weaknesses and misery, and choose eternity. We need the Light of Jesus, if we are going to choose rightly. Only that light-filled experience of Jesus will be able to move us forward towards Heaven.
St. Faustina had that very experience of the Light of Jesus, in her prayer. She describes it this way:
February 12 [1937]. Today, the presence of God is piercing me through and through, like a ray from the sun. My soul is longing for God so intensely that I fall into a swoon every now and then. I feel Eternal Love touching my heart, and my littleness cannot bear it, and this causes me to swoon. Still, my interior strength is great, and my soul wants to match the Love with which it is loved. The soul at such moments has a very deep knowledge of God, and the more it comes to know Him, the purer and more fervent does its love for Him become. How unfathomable are the mysteries of the soul and God! (Diary, 946)
"Today, the presence of God is piercing me through and through, like a ray from the sun." This is exactly what Our Lady prays for to happen to us! "I am praying that the light of the love of my Son may illuminate you..." St. Faustina experienced that Light often. She was overcome by it, filled with such surrender and peace that she would swoon. The Light of God's love is the mystery of His communication of His life to us. He wants to come to us in such love, such power! He is a Lover who can hardly hold Himself back, He loves us so much. That Love is the key to our future. It is the power that will bring us to Heaven.
Like St. Faustina, we can receive that Light. We can be ravished by it. God waits to come to us. We have only to choose to pray, to choose to be open, to choose to want Him. He will do the rest.
May we all choose God today. May we ask for the grace that Our Lady is praying down upon us, the grace to receive the illuminating Love of Jesus deep in our souls. Come, Lord Jesus!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2012

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