
Bishop Venant Bacinoni from Burundi came to Medjugorje

Bishop from Burundi came to Medjugorje

Bishop Msgr. Venant Bacinoni, bishop from Diocese of Bururi in Burundi, was in Medjugorje from July 1st to July 9, 2012. This was his first visit to Medjugorje. He first came to Belgium and his friends from Belgium invited him to come to Medjugorje with them, as a pilgrim. “This is one really good experience for me, I can see people praying, and they pray from the heart, you can see that they came here because of prayer and not because of something else. This is where one sees fruits. People come to pray, they participate in the Holy Eucharist, and they receive sacraments. This is also where they meet in friendship and in dialogue, this is really something good. We had really heavy civil war in Burundi that lasted for more than 15 years and this message of peace is really important for me and for our people as well. We cannot have peace without prayer, without hope and without help of Our Lady and God. This is the message that I am going to take from Medjugorje”, said bishop from Burundi.
Medjugorje Official

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