
In Medjugorje Liquid Now Drips from Both Legs of Risen Christ Statue

Liquid Drips from Both Legs of Statue
By Jakob Marschner
   With liquid dripping from one knee, the bronze sculpture of the Risen Christ has been a mystery in Medjugorje since 2001. While the nature of the liquid is itself mysterious, the mystery as such has just increased, for these days the unknown substance flows from both legs of the sculpture.

   Almost 11 years after one of the knees of the Risen Christ sculpture in Medjugorje first started to shed a tear-like liquid, even returning pilgrims are surprised by the sculpture these days.  Now the watery substance comes from both legs.

   “Yes, it is true. Water is coming from both legs now. The new drip is actually just above the knee, on the lower thigh. The new drip is stronger than the older one,” film-maker and Queen of Peace Productions founder Sean Bloomfield reports from Medjugorje.
   “With all the people in Medjugorje now, having both knees dripping sure helps in the crowd flow!” he adds on the discussion board at MedjugorjeLive where another pilgrim just back from Medjugorje likewise tells to have witnessed the substance dripping from both sculpture legs.

   The sculpture has shown to be unpredictable on previous occasions as well. Several times, the dripping has stopped for extended periods of time. One such occasion in 2010 coincided with Medjugorje receiving large amounts of rain, weakening a theory that the watery substance could be rain dripping out from inside the sculpture.

   On another occasion, a large group of pilgrims witnessed how the substance was suddenly red and no longer clear: “My friend Drago who lives in Medjugorje has informed me that this past week a man took a paper napkin and reached to take a drop of oil from the Risen Christ statue. When he looked at the napkin it is reported that the napkin was full of blood. A minimum of 50 people witnessed this. Some screamed in fear and some said, ‘It’s a miracle,’ ” MedjugorjeUSA reported at that time.

   Vatican experts have been rumored to have analyzed the substance, but neither Rome nor the parish of Medjugorje have ever confirmed such analysis to have taken place.
   The statue is a replica of the 277 centimeter silver sculpture “The Resurrection,” sculpted by Andrej Ajdic and presented to Pope John Paul II on the occasion of his 1996 visit to Slovenia.
                                                                                                                             www.Medjugorjetoday.tv (May 9, 2012)

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