

"Do not lay up for yourselves an earthly treasure. Moths and rust corrode; thieves break in and steal." -Matthew 6:19

The real estate market sinks and people lose tens of thousands of dollars in home value. The stock market plunges because of some unrealized fear, a computer programming glitch, or a full moon, and people lose years of savings. Scam artists defraud the elderly of their life savings. Thieves steal people's identities and pilfer thousands of dollars. Natural disasters destroy crops and homes. A coworker of mine once lost $100,000 in a single day when a stock went bad.

These are but a few examples of modern-day moths, rust, and thieves (Mt 6:19). If our treasure is based on worldly goods, we're setting ourselves up for a fall. God alone is our Provider (Phil 4:19), our Security (Ps 4:9), and our Treasure (Mt 13:44). What great and practical news it is to hear that we can store up heavenly treasure that cannot be plundered! (Mt 6:19-20) We set our hearts on what is in heaven (Col 3:1-3), for where our treasure is, there our hearts will be (Mt 6:21).

Jesus commands us to build a spiritual bank account, but let's take it a step further. Let's purify our motives beyond prospering spiritually. Let's abandon our all to the Lord, not keeping count of our growing spiritual treasure, but dedicating it all to Him out of love (Rv 4:10). Give Him your all, and His all will be yours.

 Father, I will treasure You every day in my heart (Lk 2:19).

 "Where your treasure is, there your heart is also." -Mt 6:21

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