June 25, 2012 The 31st Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions in Medjugorje Dear Family of Mary! Today is the 31st Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions in Medjugorje! It is a wonderful day, a day full of joy and thanksgiving. There will be Masses celebrated in many different languages, and a huge International Mass and Evening Program starting at 6:00 pm. Many thousands of people will be present. Ivan and Marija will encounter Our Lady together and Marjia will receive a message for the world. There are many thousands of people here in Medjugorje, and many more will come tomorrow for the celebration. It is incredible! Yesterday was filled with blessings for us. We started with an early morning climb up Apparition Hill, led by Ivanka, our guide. It was, of course, June 24, the day Our Lady first appeared to the visionaries. So it was very special to be on the hill that very day, 31 years later. It was moving to see the many pilgrims who were surging up the hill to be at the spot where Our Lady first appeared. Pilgrims climbing Apparition Hill on June 24! I was blessed to see so many people gathered around Our Lady's statue. It was a bit chaotic, but very touching to see. So many people were showing their need for Our Lady, their devotion to her, their consecration to her. It was wonderful! Pilgrims gathered around Our Lady's Statue on June 24! (c)Mary TV 2012 There were many moments of deep prayer on the hill. Our Lady can speak to us so easily on Apparition Hill. Her eyes and her heart are there, she tells us and will be even when the apparitions end. Deep prayer on Apparition Hill! (c)Mary TV 2012 As I was climbing, I remembered what Ivan had told us the evening before after the apparition in his chapel. He told us that during the apparition he and Our Lady had a private conversation in which they talked about the first days of the apparitions together. They were remembering things together, very much like a mother might remember things with her children, so that they will not forget those things and keep them firmly planted in their minds. This is how Our Lady prepares Ivan for the anniversary. I realized that the very same thing was happening for the pilgrims as we climbed the hill. We were remembering the first apparition, June 24, 1981! We were going to the very spot where it happened in order to remember it, and not only that but experience it, by being at the spot where it happened. We were remembering so that we could have it firmly planted in our minds and live out of the experience of it. We returned to Ivan's house for breakfast and then had a long and fruitful talk in the chapel, by Ivan. He spoke on the messages. There is too much to share now, but when I get home I will try to share the main points with all of you. Ivan communicates one thing very well, and that is how much he loves Our Lady. She is everything for him. He has surrendered completely to her, and she shines through him. When he speaks about her, his face glows, much like Vicka's. Ivan shares in his chapel on June 24, 2012 (c)Mary TV 2012 English Mass was at 12:00 because it was Sunday. Packed to overflowing. And then we went to our studio to prepare for the Rosary. Denis and I love praying the Rosary live from Medjugorje. We can feel the presence of Our Lady and the power of the Holy Spirit as we pray. It was very hot again today, but no problem. Our Lady sent a wind that kept us comfortable. We were again blessed to be present for Ivan's apparition yesterday evening. Imagine the apparition on June 24, 2012! 31 years! Ivan told us this was a very special evening for him. He had anticipated this apparition with great joy. You can see the joy on his face! I was able to get one picture of Ivan during his encounter with Our Lady. You can see his joy! Ivan encounters Our Lady on June 25, 2012! (c) Mary TV 2012 After the apparition, Ivan gave a short summary of his encounter. He said it was very difficult to describe this day, 31 years of memories, emotions, and experiences all mixed up together, and then Our Lady reminding him of many things at the beginning of her coming, and it is overwhelming for him to describe! So he did his best to tell what is most important. Our Lady came, very, very joyful and happy. She was accompanied by three angels. She greeted us with her motherly greeting, "Praised be Jesus, my dear children!" She prayed a long time over all of us, especially the priests present and recommended their parishes and responsibilities to God. She recommended the sick and prayed for them. Then she blessed us all and our articles. She recommended all our intention to the Lord. And then she said to us: "Dear children! Today in great joy I desire to call you once again to live my messages. Dear children! I came to tell you God exists. I want to lead you to Him. Pray, dear children that your way may become the way of Jesus. Thank you, my dear children, for responding to my call." Then Ivan and Our Lady had a private conversation and Our Lady left in prayer and the Sign of the Cross, saying "Go in peace, my dear children!" This message was for those of us present, and to be shared with our friends. So I share it with you! It is not one of the official messages to the world, because they come through Marija every 25th of the month. That message will be given later today! I recommended all of you to Our Lady, with your intentions and needs. It is a pleasure to pray for you here. I feel how much God loves us all. Heaven is so close. Be assured that Our Lady is mindful of all of you, and has taken your needs into her capable hands. I must go. This is going to be a powerful and wonderful day! Let's remember with Our Lady today. Let's remember her coming in 1981, and also remember all the wonderful things she has done for each one of us. In remembering, we will give thanks, and also gain strength for the days ahead. Our Lady is with us! She is here to help us on our way to heaven. We are not alone. We have a Mother who loves us and will never leave us. She blesses us every day and lifts us up to the Father! Thank you, dear Mother, for coming to us in Medjugorje! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Cathy Nolan ©Mary TV 2012 |
This is a wonderful post! It fills my heart with joy and longing to return to Medjugorje.