
Pope Benedict--The Spirit, Light of Prayer

"Saint Paul's letters show us the rich variety of his own prayer, which embraces thanksgiving, praise, petition and intercession", said Pope Benedict XVI this Wednesday as he continued his catechesis dedicated to prayer in the early Church, this week focusing on the Letters of the Apostle to the Gentiles. "For Paul, prayer is above all the work of the Holy Spirit within our hearts, the fruit of God's presence within us. The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness, teaching us to pray to the Father through the Son. In the eighth chapter of the Letter to the Romans, Paul tells us that the Spirit intercedes for us, unites us to Christ and enables us to call God our Father. In our prayer, the Holy Spirit ...

1 comment:

  1. "Dear children! You are not conscious of the messages which God is sending you through me. He is giving you great graces and you do not comprehend them. Pray to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment. If you only knew how great are the graces God is granting you, you would be praying without ceasing. Thank you for having responded to my call."Medjugorje" (November 8, 1984)

    Lets pray for the Light of the Holy Spirit to shine into our hearts. Our Lady asks in this message of 1984 that we pray for enlightenment from the Holy Spirit, so that we can comprehend the great graces we are being given in these days. Light! O, Lord, be our Light!
