
Fr. Abdiel Cardenas, It was in Medjugorje that I felt great joy, great strength to continue my priestly life.

Pilgrims in Medjugorje

Along with pilgrims from twenty different countries, our journalists met those from Panama as well. Lorena Varela, wife of the Vice President of Panama is here for second time. She heard about Medjugorje from her mother who always wanted to come for a visit, but because of her serious illness, she was not able to. Her mom died last year. Soon after the death of their mother, Lorena and her mom decided to come on pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Now, during her second visit, she said: “I have found such a peace here and I felt so close to Mother of God, I really felt as if our mother was with us. The first items that I brought from this place were Our Lady’s statue and Rosary that I often pray now. My personal relationship with Our Lady was changed after my visit to Medjugorje as well she is inviting us and every time you come here, she is calling you anew. As a wife of the Vice President of Panama, I do have many obligations that I need to fulfill and some of those are not easy very often. But, with Our Lady, it all becomes easy and She gives me strength to continue. We pray Rosary in our family.”

Journalists also met Fr. Abdiel Cardenas who is the member of the Apostolic Diocese in Panama. He works with African immigrants and with Indians and has two parishes. He said that he heard about the apparitions for the first time long ago, back in 1981. He was only a 13-years old boy at that time, and he arrived to Medjugorje for the first time four years ago. Fr. Abdiel said that many pilgrims from Panama have visited Medjugorje in these years. They have prayer groups named after Our Lady – “Queen of Peace”. “It was in Medjugorje that I felt great joy, great strength to continue my priestly life. We have always looked for materials about Medjugorje. That was something huge for me. Medjugorje gave me so many things, one special love to the Eucharist, pure and open devotion to Our Lady”, said Fr. Abdiel.     Medjugorje Official

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