5,000 people in central Italy on Saturday were followed by 24,000 near Milan on Sunday when visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti had public apparitions at prayer meetings on May 19-20. Two other Medjugorje main persons also helped to draw people from all over and beyond Italy.
Marija's apparition during the 13th National Meeting of Prayer in Rho's exhibition hall near Milan, Italy, on May 20
Medjugorje visionaries Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti and Jakov Colo joined 24,000 pilgrims from all over Italy and neighboring countries for the thirteenth National Meeting of Prayer in Rho near Milan on May 20, local news portal MI-Lorenteggio reports.
The many people gathered in Rho’s exhibition centre where the theme was the family,
Marija's apparition in Fiuggi on May 19
“Priests and laymen prayed along, young and old, sick and weak in body and spirit, and of course families” the Milan news service tells.
The day was led by Franciscan priest Fr. Ljubo Kurtovic who became very popular during his stay in Medjugorje around the turn of the new century.
On May 19, about 5,000 people from all parts of Italy joined Marija who had another Medjugorje main person by her side at the all-day arrangement in Fiuggi, local online media Ecco la Notizia Quotidiana reports.
Complete with Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, the programme lasted ten hours from 9 in the morning.
Part of the crowd in Fiuggi on May 19
Marija gave her testimony in the morning and led the Rosary before her apparition in the evening. Jelena Vasilj-Valente was scheduled to offer a catechesis on prayer with the heart, but had to cancel her appearance. Jelena heard the Virgin Mary’s voice in so-called interior locutions during her youth in Medjugorje in the 1980s.
The afternoon Mass was presided over by Monsignor Domenico Sigalini, the Bishop of Palestrina. His presence marks a growing trend among Italian bishops to attend Medjugorje arrangements in their local diocese.
Silvia Busi
The attendees also heard the testimony of Silvia Busi from Padua who was spontaneously healed from paralysis in June 2005 when she attended an apparition to visionary Ivan Dragicevic on top of Apparition Hill in Medjugorje.
While she prayed, she felt her legs hardening, and then left the carriage on which volunteers had taken her to the top of the hill.
Updated on May 21:
Coverage added of the meeting near Milan on May 20
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