Lord, Please remember me in your kingdom -- The Lord spoke to Paul in a vision. Do not be afraid, keep on speaking, and do not be silent. For I am with you (Acts 18:9).---Come Holy Spirit.
Reflection of Our Lady's Medjugorje message of Feburary 25, 2012
Reflection (by Sr. Isabel Bettwy)
"Pray with the heart" was one of the first requests of Our Lady more than thirty years ago in her reported apparitions in Medjugorje. Many of us pray with words, recite formal prayers or use written forms of novenas, litanies and other prayers. All these are good. But Our Lady is asking more of us. She wants us to surrender our minds and hearts to her and to cry out to God from the very depths of our hearts. Words are not necessary. Silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament-- just gazing upon the Lord, seeking to be in union with His Heart, desiring to be able to be more closely united with Him through the power of the Holy Spirit, opening our hearts to His heart--is a form of "prayer with the heart." Our Lady tells us where to start -- with the Sacred Scriptures. Reading a small passage from one of the Gospels, or even one of the Mass readings for the day, and pondering over its meaning for us, we can enter into deeper union with her and with Jesus. With Mary's encouragement prayer can become "joy for us" and we can experience deeper peace. Lent is a good time to start!
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