
Vicka Asks Pilgrims For Prayers

Vicka always had time and compassion for the suffering,
 sometimes at her own expense. Photo: Marco Piagentini

Vicka Asks Pilgrims For Prayers
by Jakob Marschner

While visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic enjoys excellent spiritual health, her physical shape could be better, and on the last day of 2011 she asked pilgrims to remember her in their prayers. On the preceeding evening, a few thousand pilgrims gathered for a public apparition to Ivan Dragicevic, despite heavy rain and mudslides on Apparition Hill.

During a meeting with pilgrims on December 31, Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic asked the attendees for prayers.

“At eight o’clock, Vicka gave her testimony at Sister Kornelija’s orphanage. She has the usual measure of energy and joy, and was as always engaging. However, we noted that Vicka does not pass through a good time. She was very thin and asked us to remember her in our prayers” the Italian photographer Daniel Miot reports from Medjugorje.Throughout her 30 years as a visionary, Vicka’s health has often been fragile. She has voluntarily accepted much of her suffering as a penance for the conversion of sinners and for other purposes. Therefore, on previous occasions she has expressedly asked people not to pray for her.

While the sun was out when Vicka spoke to the pilgrims on the last day of 2011, weather conditions were severe on the evening before when a few thousand pilgrims made their way to visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s public apparition on the top of Apparition Hill through heavy rain and mudslides.

Ivan Dragicevic

“It was beautiful, unique and, although very wet, as special as ever. I was impressed to see so many people praying together and with such devotion, despite the bad weather conditions” Daniel Miot tells on his blog.

After the apparition on December 30, Ivan reported this message from the Virgin Mary:

“Dear children, the Mother blesses you with joy. Be carriers of my messages in this tired world. Welcome my messages with responsibility. Dear children, pray together with me for the plans that must be realized. Especially tonight, I call you to pray for unity of the Church and my priests. Dear children, pray, pray, pray. The Mother prays with you and intercedes before Her Son for each one of you. Thank you also today for having responded to my call, and for accepting my messages, and living my messages.”
Spirit Daily is circulating this story

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