
Medjugorje Seer Vicka Well Again

Vicka greeting people during her visit to Ireland in February.
 In a similar situation her shoulder was badly injured in June

"Recovered Vicka Resumes Her Public Work"
by Jakob Marschner

Having recovered from a painful shoulder injury for almost five months, visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic will return to the public eye for a prayer meeting in Corridonia, Italy, on November 13. Vicka has gone through therapy since a pilgrim accidentally injured her shoulder in June.

Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic has recovered well enough from her shoulder injury to be able to resume her public work and give her testimony of more than 30 years of daily apparitions. On November 13 she is scheduled to talk at a Medjugorje prayer meeting in Corridonia 40 kilometers south of Ancona, Italy.

With Vicka appearing in Corridonia, as many as three Medjugorje visionaries will be available in Italy on the same day, Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez speaking in Montelaguardia near Perugia and Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti having a public apparition in Rovereto on November 13, too.

Since her shoulder was injured on the 30th anniversary of the apparitions, Vicka has gone through therapy in Zagreb and Rome.

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