
Thousands of Pilgrims in Medjugorje

Fr. Edward Sousa Jr.
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Fr. Edward Sousa Jr. of the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island is pictured here celebrating Holy Mass at Saint James Church in Medjugorje on September 29, 2011 the Feast of the Holy Archangels. He said: 
"Medjugorje is so alive with thousands of pilgrims and hundreds more will be coming in over the weekend for Mirjana's apparition on December 2nd" 


  1. What a blessing for you Ed, and what a blessing for us all to have these holy priests. Our Lord and Our Lady must be so pleased!!

  2. Thank You Daily Grace! It is a blessing. Praise be Jesus.

  3. September 2011 was the busiest September ever since the beginning of Our Lady’s apparitions, with more than 300,000 Holy Communions given to pilgrims.
    Medjugorje Official Website

  4. Statistics for October, 2011.

    Number of Holy Communions: 251.500

    Number of priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses: 4539 (146 per day)
