
Medjugoje: Fr. Jozo's Talk with interpreter Nancy Latta


  1. Om goodness, where is the rest of the video? We need to hear Fr. Zozo's words. He is our saint on earth? My heart misses him terribly! Pray, pray, pray & fast as Mother asks, do as She asks! Have mercy my Queen, have mercy on us poor bansihed children of eve.

  2. I would really like to know if our dear Fra Jozo is truly speaking in NY this weekend and where and what time. would LOve to go and see adn hear him again. Have missed him each time I go to Medjugorje!!Please let me know at sjmadan@hotmail.com

    Many thanks and God bless you.

  3. Hard to believe Father Jozo is 70 years old now. He is a saint.

  4. On this feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, it is a gift to see Fr Jozo's smiling face again. This was from 2007 -- and we miss you Fr Jozo. You have our prayers, our sacrifices. We pray for you and all priests, as our Mother asks. Thank you Mr Sousa!
