
Revelation: Saint Sister Maria Faustina


I do not know, O Lord, at what hour You will come.
And so I keep constant watch and listen
As Your chosen bride,
Knowing that You like to come unexpected.
Yet, a pure heart will sense You from afar, O Lord.

I wait for You, Lord, in calm and silence,
With great longing in my heart
And with invincible desire.
I feel that my love for You is changing into fire,
And that it will rise up to heaven like a flame at life's end,
And then all my wishes will be fulfilled.

Come then, at last my most sweet Lord
And take my thirsting heart
There, to Your home in the lofty regions of heaven,
Where Your eternal life perdures.

Life on this earth is but an agony,
As my heart feels it is created for the heights.
For it the lowlands of this life hold no interest,
For my homeland is in heaven-this I firmly believe.

Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 1589


  1. Thank you Ed, this is beautiful!

  2. Came from Daily Grace's blog..this was a blessing. Thank you so much for sharing.This is my heart's cry.

  3. Visiting from Daily Grace and Pay It Forward. What a plethora of links and resources you've amassed here—I’ll have to remember that!

  4. I've been sent here by Daily Grace.

    Greetings from the UK.

    God bless.

  5. Victor,
    Thank You for visiting my Blogsite. Hope you return.
    God Bless
