
Fr. John Randall, A Great Man of God

Fr. John Randall

A great man of God

TO THE EDITOR: I'd like to thank the RI Catholic for referencing the homily delivered at Fr. John Randall's funeral Mass by his brother Fr. Bob Randall. It was an eloquent and wonderful description of Fr. John's life as a person and priest.

So many, including myself, were touched spiritually by this great man of God. What always struck me was his great ability to relate to the meek, the rich, the poor, the uneducated, and the intellectual, all in the same way, with great love and Christ-like understanding. I truly pray he will become an official saint of the church one day. There are many tributes to him on-line at the Providence Journal obituary section.

It is amazing and edifying to read these and to see how the grace of God was so often manifested through this holy priest of God. He was rightly referred to as one of the "legendary priests of the Diocese of Providence" in the RI Catholic editorial. And yes, he will be sadly missed, and always thought of with great affection by the many whose lives were touched by the Holy Spirit working so wonderfully through him. God bless and keep you Fr. Randall. We will never forget you.

Doreen M. Ciancaglini MD
North Providence

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