
Sister Anne Sophie, -- A Call To Love

Sister Anne Sophie, Founder of the Society of the Body of Christ, explains its mission.
Sister Anne Sophie address is--Blessed Mother House, 234 Rossiter, Corpus Christi, Texas
Zip Code 78411-1450   Website:   http://www.thesocietyofthebodyofchrist.com/

Have a question, Ask Sister Sophie  savesoul@swbell.net
Sr. Sophie with Maria
Best Selling Spanish Author Maria Vallejo-Nagera, has written and published a powerful book of the life story of Sister Anne Sophie. The title of the book in english is BADLANDS. In spanish (Mala Tierra)  Based on true events, is the fictionalized testimony of a woman who has overcome the horror of a rape, unwanted pregnancy and an abortion, and now fights tirelessly to curb the practice of abortion worldwide, with courage and openly. Grisly true story that must be read by all young girls over 14 years, so that they know exactly what it is to commit an abortion, psychological consequences and all the lies that dragged this dreadful business of genocide. Badlands is available in both Spanish and English.- Maria Vallejo-Nagera website is   http://www.mariavallejonagera.com/
Video:  Spanish author Maria Vallejo-Nagera, speaks about her conversion at Medjugorje   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DUxYo8OCU8&feature=related

1 comment:

  1. Sr. Anne Sophie has a very simple, yet very powerful message. Thank you
