

Numerous pilgrims in Međugorje
date: 03.04.2011.

Numerous pilgrims arrived to Međugorje in the beginning of April. Due to the large number of pilgrims, and thanks to the beautiful weather, the evening prayer programme was held outdoors, at the White Dome, on Saturday, April 2, 2011. The Information Office registered groups from: Mexico, Austria, Germany, the United States, Ireland, Italy, Hungary, Spain, Albania, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, and Korea. There were organised groups of Croatian pilgrims from the following towns: Šibenik, Split, Zagreb, Požega, Drvar, and many others.

Anna Maria Brancatelli from Catania, Italy, said in her interview for radio station “Mir” Međugorje: “Pilgrims come to Međugorje bringing their own problems, sufferings and crosses. Many come in a very difficult state, and upon their arrival, I see how they completely change. I think it is a miracle that many of them join our prayer group as soon as they return home. People change and their families change along with them. Every pilgrim comes back again with at least ten other people. This time we had two major conversions in our group”, she said at the end of the interview.
Source-Medjugorje Offical


  1. Medjugorje is what brought me and my family back to the Church.
    Story of an 'ex-priest's' return to the faith:


  2. +Laudetur Jesus Christus et Ave Maria Regina Mundi Victoriosa+

    "By their fruits, you shall know them..." This is the phrase i hear the most from people who have encountered Holy Medjugorje: "Medjugorje Changed My Life." It did mine, too! Thank You, God, and Thank You, Mediatrix of All Graces, dear Blessed Momma, Victorious Queen!!! Show us Your Power Now!

  3. I had a conversion from an Agnostic life style in 2001 and joined the Catholic church at Easter 2002

  4. In May 1986,
    Our Lady gave this powerful message:
    “Dear children, you are the ones responsible
    for the messages. The source
    of grace is here, but you, dear children,
    you are the vessels which transport the
    gifts. Therefore, dear children, I am
    calling you to do your job with responsibility.
    Each one shall be responsible
    according to his own ability. Dear
    children, I am calling you to give the
    gifts to others with love, and not to keep
    them to yourselves. Thank you for having
    responded to my call.

  5. Fra. Francesco, 25 years old, from Italy:
    I received my vocation to consecrated life
    many years ago during a youth festival.
    This event was a moment of great grace
    for me. While I was among many of my
    peers, I felt in me an indescribable gratitude
    to God, together with the desire to
    sacrifice my life to God. God can do with
    many other young people what he did with
    me. The moment in which I had expressed
    in my heart my “Yes” to God in order to
    perfect my whole life to be His, I had in my
    heart, like I never before tasted, His infinite
    love, and my heart has been filled with a joy
    that I have never felt before.
    Medjugorje Star Newsletter

  6. Being a priest it is absolutely wonderful to see so many people come back to the Church through the Sacrament of Reconciliaton. There is certainly much spiritual healing that is taking place. There are many "fruits" to Medjugorje that continue to develop and grow even after one has visited there.

  7. Medjugorje was life changing for my husband and I in 1990. Our lives now revolve around God first, the Eucharist and the rosary. Life is so much better in all the right ways. I say go to Medjugorje and ask God for help to learn how to live for Him.

  8. Medjugorje was very instrumental in bringing me into the Catholic Faith as a young adult. I went to Medjugorje in 1996. I was baptised in 1997. The grace of God and our Lady's messages convinced me to not only return to God, but convert!

  9. Medjugorje has changed my life for the better since my first pilgrimage in 2002. During my visit I had a powerful spiritual experience which has led to a much deeper faith, hope, and love. I am actively involved in my parish as Pro-Life Coordinator and have been a member of a prayer group at my parish for ten years that began in 1989 after a group of pilgrims returned home on fire with love for their faith. My husband and I will be returning to Medjugorje on April 28. This will be my fourth visit and his third. It is so exciting to be going back. I feel like Medjugorje is my home because it is the closest place on Earth to Heaven.

  10. Thank You All for your comments.
    Hearts are changed in Medjugorje.
    God Bless,
