
I Am Catholic, I Cannot Go To Hell

I Am Catholic! I Cannot Go To Hell!

My Dear People,

Like Many Cultural Catholics, She Lived All the Pagan Values of Today’s Society

Gloria Polo-Ortiz, a speaker from Colombia SA, shared her near death experience with us a few years ago. She told us of having been struck dead by lightening. Leaving her body, she felt herself rising toward the heavens. Before she reached the eternal light of Heaven, she began to fall backwards into the darkness. Even though she had been baptized and raised Catholic, she never actually embraced or lived her faith. In fact, like many cultural Catholics, she live all the pagan values of today’s society. She never went to confession, and used her faith to promote her professional needs. As she fell closer to Hell, she kept crying out, “I am Catholic, I cannot go to Hell, I went to Church. I performed good deeds.”

As she approached the mouth of Hell, she was suddenly snatched up by an angel and returned to her body. Later, she was shown by Our Lord, that a poor peasant farmer had sacrificed some of his food money to have a mass offered for her soul. Jesus told her that she would have fallen completely into the fires of Hell, had it not been for this man’s heroic merciful act of love for her. This is sobering to say the very least. The Gospel tells us that those who lived pagan lives, and call out, “Lord, Lord”, begging for help, will encounter his Divine Justice. Don’t wait until your deathbed to repent. Convert your lives while there is still time. Live God’s Mercy TODAY!
Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

* Fr. Mark Bozada *

May we always be ready to live in the ocean of Jesus’ Divine Mercy, so as to forego His Divine Justice.


  1. We need to hear stories like this one. Thank you for posting this.

  2. A sobering reminder of the reality of Hell. Many thanks for this post and may God have mercy on us all.

    God Bless you!

  3. Catholic people, those who use to go to mass on sundays need to hear that in true catholic homilies like those of the late Curé d'Ars, not these wishy-washy speeches the kind of "I am OK, you are OK, everybody's fine, we'll all go to Heavens"

  4. Wow. Really makes you think. This can save souls. Many people need to read this; especially Catholics in name only.

  5. "CHOOSE LIFE"(Deuteronomy 30:19)

    More than three thousand years after Moses issued this call to the Israelites, God is still extending the same offer to us. He is urging us to live according to his ways so that we can know him and his peace more deeply. So what will you choose today? The way of life or the way of death?

  6. Thank you for publishing this story of the afterlife experience. Lukewarm Christians need to hear this.

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  8. And this should also encourage most of us to pray for the poor souls who have no-one to pray for them. What would have become of this soul had that man not prayed for her? General prayers help a lot of souls.

  9. You can go to www.gloriapolo.com and read her story exactly what happen, go to English and you will see even her comment about what the Lord shaw her what happen with each abortion.
    God bless all of you,

    Lucia Vergara

  10. Thank you Father I will share this on facebook......A good time to hear this story at the beginning of Lent.....
