
Medjugorje Visionary Vicka is back.

Vicka is back! After almost two years out of sight because of her bad health, we were so happy to see her again these last days, beaming with joy, and hear her share Our Lady’s messages from her staircase. In fact, the pilgrims present for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8) were able to meet her and also profit from her blessing (see photo).
Vicka was not idle during her long absence! The physical and moral sufferings she endured were offered for each one of us with enthusiasm. The Gospa told her once in the 80s, “Rare are the people who have understood the great value of suffering, when it is offered to Jesus!” Sometimes Vicka expresses beautiful insights: “Suffering cannot be explained. Suffering may only be lived in one’s own heart. When the Lord gives us suffering, a cross, it is truly a great gift that he gives us. We often think, ‘How can illness be a gift?’ But it is a great gift! Only God knows why he makes that gift, and he alone knows why he takes it away at a particular time. But we are free to decide: am I ready to accept this gift?
There are different kinds of sufferings: there is the suffering given by God, and the suffering that we create ourselves. They do not have the same value.
Vicka reiterated: “When you smile in spite of pain, it is because you accepted it and you belong entirely to God. Later on, you no longer notice the pain, but feel joy. Since you suffer with joy, there is no more tension. But this joy does not come from outside, it comes from inside of you, from your heart. I feel such strong joy that I want to do more for the Blessed Mother!”


  1. Ed,what a wonderful post. Vicka is a inspiration to us all. My wife went to Medjugorje in 1998 and she spent 10days with the visionaries.She witnessed many spiritual things, and miracles while she was there. Our Lady is there for the whole World. Peace St.Raphael

  2. St.Raphael
    Thank You for your comment. Yes, it is wonderful to have Vicka back with us. Whenever I went to Medjugorje I always went to see Vicka.
