
Does the Pope believe in Medjugorje


Parishoners from Medjugorje parish at the General Audience with Holy Father
date: 03.12.2010.

Vatican, (VIS) - At the end of today's General Audience, during the part when Holy Father greets pilgrims in their own languages, Holy Father spoke to the group of Croatian pilgrims and said: "I am greeting all of the Croatian pilgrims from my heart, and especially those from the parish of St. James of Medjugorje. Your pilgrimage to Rome is part of the preparation for the coming of the Lord. Therefore, in hope, be evangelisers of God's love in your nation. Praised be Jesus and Mary!" -- sources-Medjugorje Information Centre, Spiritdaily, Medjugorje Miracles-Christine Watkins.....http://www.medjugorjemiracles.com/

1 comment:

  1. Dear children! From day to day I wish to clothe you in holiness, goodness, obedience and God's love, so that from day to day you become more beautiful and more prepared for your Master. Dear children, listen to and live my messages. I wish to guide you. Thank you for having responded to my call. Medjuorje message of October 24, 1985
