
Dear Children of Mary

Photo: (c) Bernard Gallagher - used with permission
December 15, 2010 Dear Family of Mary!
Bad Dreams
Last night Denis and I were praying with some dear friends for a young woman who is experiencing "bad" dreams. As we prayed, I asked Our Lady for a message from my message box, hoping she would help us understand how to pray for her. This is the message I pulled at random from my box of messages:
*"Dear children! Today again I am calling you to prayer, to complete surrender to God. You know that I love you and am coming here out of love so I could show you the path to peace and salvation for your souls. I want you to obey me and not permit Satan to seduce you. Dear children, Satan is very strong and, therefore, I ask you to dedicate your prayers to me so that those who are under his influence can be saved. Give witness by your life. Sacrifice your lives for the salvation of the world. I am with you, and I am grateful to you, but in heaven you shall receive the Father's reward which He has promised to you. Therefore, dear children, do not be afraid. If you pray, Satan cannot injure you even a little bit because you are God's children and He is watching over you. Pray and let the rosary always be in your hand as a sign to Satan that you belong to me. Thank you for having responded to my call." (February 25, 1988)
I felt that the end of this message was especially anointed. Holding the Rosary as a sign to Satan that we belong to Mary! Oh yes! This is good advice for all of us. Though we are preparing for Christmas, and our thoughts are on the beauty and serenity of the Incarnation, I sense that Our Lady is bringing up the uncomfortable subject of Satan for all of us because she knows it is important. She is warning us of the reality of the evil one and giving us the weapons we need to be protected from him. Christmas or not, the enemy will be active. But with Our Lady, we are safe. The weapons Our Lady is giving us in this message: Prayer - "Pray at all times in the Spirit, with allprayer and supplication." (Eph 6:18) Surrender to God - "Submit yourselves therefore to God" (Jas 4:7) Resisting the devil - "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (Jas 4:7) Sacrifice - "And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Eph 5:2) No fear - "Hence we can confidently say, "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid; what can man do to me?" (Heb 13:6) Prayer of the Rosary and holding the Rosary in our hands as a sign that we belong to Our Lady. With the Rosary in our hands we can defeat the enemy. The prayer of the Rosary places us in the Heart of Mary. Mary is the one to whom victory over the devil has been given. She will lead us to safety, victory, and peace, if we cling to her and pray under her guidance and power. In these days of spiritual upheaval, we have been given an incredible lifeline. We have been given direct help from heaven, in Our Lady of Medjugorje. We should walk in peace and confidence, holding her hand (by holding our rosaries) and praying with our hearts constantly.... In Jesus and Mary! Cathy Nolan....http://www.marytv.tv/

1 comment:

  1. Ed,, That is a Wonderful Post. We are so Blessed by God to have Jesus and Mary.The Lord is always Listen to our every prayer. Peace My Friend,, St. Raphael
