
BBC Documentary on Medjugorje

Story of this photo................
October 2, 2010 The Spinning Sun in Medjugorje Photo by Barbara G..
I took this on October 2nd at the time of Mirjana's apparition. A few of us were praying the Rosary at the Crucifix on Sr. Immanuel's property. We were looking towards the Blue Cross on Apparition Hill and saw the sun spinning. That's when I took the picture. May you receive a special blessing from the Lord today! Barbara
Content of the article
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 1 http://www.medjugorje.ws/en/videos/bbc-pilgrims-medjugorje/
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 2
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 3
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 4
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 5
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 1
The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for them.
Next : Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 2

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Source of these video's--http://www.medjugorje.ws/

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