
Today in Medjugorje, November 25, 2010 - Our Lady's Message

Today in Medjugorje
Photo: Saint James Church
November 25, 2010
Our Lady of Medjugorje's November 25, 2010 Monthly Message:

"Dear children! I look at you and I see in your heart death without hope, restlessness and hunger. There is no prayer or trust in God, that is why the Most High permits me to bring you hope and joy. Open yourselves. Open your hearts to God’s mercy and He will give you everything you need and will fill your hearts with peace, because He is peace and your hope. Thank you for having responded to my call."

1 comment:

  1. Radio Maria newsletter
    by aoise » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:07 pm

    Dear friends,

    through the message given to Mirjana, Our Lady points the way to Christmas.

    First of all she reminds us of the immense love of Jesus for us, his kindness and gentleness, manifested in his presence for so long in our midst.

    She reminds us that Jesus suffered, because we delude ourselves not to need him and move on without him.

    She urges us to find the strength to open our hearts to a love that suffers because unpaid.

    For this Advent season shows us the way of prayer, penance and conversion.

    We must realize these exhortations finding time for daily prayer and family, deciding to make the sacrifices and works of charity towards our neighbor.

    The process of conversion must realize a good confession to make us take a step forward in the spiritual journey and prepare your heart to welcome the Christ Child

    With these resolutions and of the Holy Spirit in our hearts will come the kingdom of heaven, and we will have the gift of peace of Christmas.

    Your Father Livio
