
Revelation by Saint Maria Faustina on the sacrament of Confession.


Today the Lord said to me, Daughter, when you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My Heart always flows down upon your soul and ennobles it. Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself entirely in My mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul. Here the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy. Tell souls that from this fount of mercy souls draw graces solely with the vessel of trust. If their trust is great, there is no limit to My generosity. The torrents of grace inundate humble souls. The proud remain always in poverty and misery, because My grace turns away from them to humble souls.
Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, 1602

Today, I went to confession to Father An. [Andrasz] I did as Jesus wanted. After confession, a surge of light filled my soul. Then I heard a voice: Because you are a child, you shall remain close to My Heart. Your simplicity is more pleasing to Me than your mortifications.
Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, 1617

1 comment:

  1. Medjugorje Message, May 25, 1995 - MEDJUGORJE

    “Dear Children! I invite you, little children, to help me through your prayers so that as many hearts as possible come close to my Immaculate Heart. Your heart is like ploughed soil and it is ready to receive the fruit which will grow into what is good. You, little dhildren, are free to choose good or evil. Therefore, I call you to pray and fast.Satan is strong and with all his forces wants to bring closer the most people possible to himself and to sin. That is why he is on the prowl to snatch more every moment. I beg you, little children, pray and help me to help you. I am your mother and I love you and that is why I wish to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”

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    Fr. Donald Calloway's Incredible Testimony

    As a young man, he was taking crack, heroin, opium everyday! And then one night his whole life changed

    Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, a convert to Catholicism, is a member of the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception. Before his conversion to Catholicism, he was a high school dropout who had been kicked out of a foreign country, institutionalized twice and thrown in jail multiple times. After his radical conversion he earned a B.A. in Philosophy and Theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH, M.Div. and S.T.B. degrees from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC, and an S.T.L. in Mariology from the International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio. He has written many academic articles and is the editor of two books: The Immaculate Conception in the Life of the Church (Marian Press, 2004) and The Virgin Mary and Theology of the Body (Marian Press, 2005). He also is the author of the book Purest of All Lilies: The Virgin Mary in the Spirituality of St. Faustina (Marian Press, 2008). Currently Fr. Donald is the House Superior of the Marian House of Studies in Steubenville, OH.
    svedectvo obratenia - Fr. Donald Calloway

    Saint John Mary Vianney

    Remember, you - people believing that if you do not love you so falošními hypocrites and you will never see God in heaven. But if anyone despise you, if it seems rude and ungrateful, do not you love him, want to see him, avoid his community. My God! Yet such behavior will lead us to perdition!
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    Zapamätajte si, Vy – veriaci ľudia, že ak nemáte lásku, tak ste falošními pokrytcami a nikdy nebudete vidieť Boha v nebi. Ale ak niekto tebou pohŕda, ak sa ukazuje hrubý a nevďačný, nechceš ho milovať, nechceš ho vidieť, vyhýbaš sa jeho spoločenstvu. Môj Bože! Predsa takéto správanie nás privedie do zatratenia!

