
In Regards to the Risen Christ Statue in Medjugorje

I Received this report from a friend:

Hi Ed, Just back from Medjugorje and it was amazing. I have never seen so many people! Anyway, Read an article about the Risen Christ statue no longer weeping. This
is surely NOT the case! It is definitely weeping, I saw and got some of the drops myself.
And this was after warm, breezy days and windy nights!

Hope all is well with you :)



  1. Thank you Ed for all you bring to us. So many of these posts have been so inspirational. If we can have the peace that I feel when reading them we can consider ourselves very blessed.

    Thank you for all the time you give to this blog and may you and your family be blessed abundantly for what you share with us.

  2. Your welcome Micki. Thanks so much for writing.

  3. Great posting of info Ed. They said that it stops now and then? I didn't know this.

  4. I know when this first started. There was this lady from northern saskatchewan, canada who travelled to many pilgrimages all over the world. When she heard of Medjugorje she said it would just be like all the other pilgrimages she took! That was in the 90s, now she travels there every 2 years taking people from her aboriginal community about hundreds of them and she will be going again taking many ppl there for Easter. Her first year was a BIG experience with one day she went to pray to at the Risen Christ statue and LOTS of water was coming out of the knee. She thought "oh this is neat". She went back to Angela Pehars home and told her and the family along with officials went there to see for themselves! WHAT A BLESSING! more things have happened to her after that and I pray for her and ask all of yous to pray for her because she is going through tremendous attacks.

