
Experiencing the presence of My Guardian Angel

Experiencing the presence of my Guardian Angel
By Bonnie Lewis

In May of 1989 my husband Art surprised me with a trip to Medjugorje for our 25th Anniversary. Our Blessed Mother had been appearing to 6 children since June of 1981 and I so desperately wanted to make a pilgrimage there. It was the best gift he could have given me. The night before we left I remember asking my guardian angel to please be with me on this trip and make it a real spiritual experience.
We arrived in Medjugorje a few days before the Feast of the Ascension. We were not connected with any tour group but met up with a group from the states and went a few places with them. Ivan (one of the visionaries) received a special message from Our Lady that there was going to be an apparition on Mt. Krizevac at 11:00 p.m. that night in honor of the Feast of the Ascension. My husband and I had already climbed the difficult and rocky mountain that afternoon, so he decided not to join us. I ended up meeting the group late that evening at St. James Church where a bus would be taking us to the foot of Mt. Krizevac.
We waited and waited for the bus but it never arrived, so we started to walk. As we were walking and talking I looked ahead and there was an elderly woman walking all by herself. I do not know when or how she got there but I broke with my group and went up to her. While we were talking I noticed that this cute, plump, little old lady’s shoes were like ballerina slippers with very thin soles.
I was thinking that there was no way this woman would be able to climb up that rocky mountain in those shoes! As we began the long climb to the top, I grabbed her arm and up the mountain we went. Another young girl saw how difficult it was for the lady and grabbed her other arm. The rest of my group plus hundreds of other people had passed us, but we finally reached the top and then departed. With thousands of people trying to get a spot near the Cross where Mary was going to appear, I gave up hope trying to get close. Then I saw one of my friends waving for me for she had saved me a place. What a blessing.
The night was clear and beautiful and while we were waiting for the visionaries to arrive everyone started to sing. As thousands were praising God in song, tears flowed from my eyes. People from different countries and nationalities were one in spirit at that moment. It was like heaven on earth! When the visionaries arrived they began praying and then there was silence.
I saw three lights appear on the Cross. Ivan told us that Our Lady would be accompanied by three angels. I believe that the lights on the cross were the three angels. He said the main message from Our Lady, as I remember it, was that if you have the Holy Spirit within you, you have everything.
As we began the climb down the mountain, I looked around to see if that little old lady was in sight. I was relieved when I didn’t see her because I was so tired I didn’t think I had enough strength to help her again. Immediately after that thought, there she appeared right in front of me. I grabbed her arm and slowly we began the climb down the mountain. It was pitch dark and all we had was our flashlights and the moon to guide us.
When we got to the bottom my arm ached so badly from supporting her that it was shaking. I was grateful to God for getting us down safely.
As we said our goodbyes, the little old lady grabbed me and held me in her arms. She then looked me straight in the eyes and it was as if she were saying to me, “I’ve known you all of your life.” I felt those words so strongly accompanied by a tremendous love. I immediately thought about the passage in the Bible that says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality, for by that means some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
At that moment I knew without a doubt that I was standing in the presence of my guardian angel in human form. I was too shocked to say or do anything but stand there and watch her turn and leave. She left with the cutest smile on her face and twinkle in her eye.
*Since that wonderful experience of sharing that holy time with my guardian angel, I have given her the name “ Cherish” which means Dear. I was told by a priest that everyone must give their guardian angel a name. We name everything else in this world, so our guardian angel deserves a name also. I thank God for Cherish.
Source - Spiritdaily


  1. Our Lady came around 10:00 PM and stayed for almost 8 and a half minutes. Following is Ivan’s description of tonight’s apparition on the Vigil of Our Lady’s Assumption, August 14, 2009:

    “Most important from the meeting with Our Lady tonight is that Our Lady came very joyful and happy and She came with three angels. In the beginning She greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then, for a long time, Our Lady especially prayed over all of you present who are sick. She then blessed us with Her motherly blessing and blessed all that you brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed here over all of us with Her hands extended, I repeat once again, with great joy. Then I recommended to Her all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way the sick. Our Lady then said:

    “Dear children, also today, also today in my great joy, I desire to call you through this time: Open yourselves to the Holy Spirit. Open yourselves, this is a time of grace. Dear children, may a river of love flow in your hearts. Pray, pray dear children, together with the Mother. Thank you, dear children, for also today having responded to my call.”

  2. I remember that message from Our Lady..."When you have the Holy Spirit, You have everything" and it was made into a bumper sticker many years ago and I had it on my car. I do not know where I got it but I remember driving into a gas station and the young guy who read it said, wow...that is so true. It was like his face just changed before my eyes and he was given the gift of understanding that more than I did. I got the understanding by looking at his face.
    What a beautiful testimony about her guardian angel in Medjugorje. My husband and I are going to pray and hopefully we will name our guradian angels soo.
